The talk

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WARNING: I made this chapter a little long. Enjoy 🫶🏽

After Oprah had dismissed herself raji and tasia stared at each other. Raji broke the silence by saying  "I wonder who nosey ass was lurking around your dressing room".

Tasia nonchalantly said "mhm" as if her mind was somewhere else. (Dani wasn't the only one that had texted her. She also saw a text from Kendall saying "where are you? We need to talk.")

Raji walked up to her and grabbed her chin "what you thinking about baby?" Tasia snapped out of her thoughts and said
"nothing ". Raji raised her brow giving her a mean look (Taraji knew tasia was lying).

           (Fantasia's thoughts)

(I decided not to tell Taraji everything that's been happening in our relationship including the text from Kendall because I knew how she'd react. She would want me to divorce his ass immediately. It's hurtful to suspect that he's been cheating. I don't know why he won't confess instead of constantly avoiding me. The more I think about it, I realize he's been dropping hints left and right. It's like he's almost telling me without saying it.

He would sometimes come home at 2:00 in the morning. I texted him several times, but he never responded. Even when I ask him where he's been for so many hours, he just raises his fucking voice at me, telling me to mind my business as if he wants to hit me but knows better. Despite everything he has put me through, I am not ready to divorce him just yet.

Keziah is such a daddy's girl, and for him to sit there and cheat, jeopardizing his relationship with me and his children is insane to me. Seeing the joy on Keziah's face each morning when she sees us both, knowing that could change with a divorce and having to share custody is heartbreaking to consider.

Zion on the other hand definitely wouldn't care because she loves Taraji and already thinks of her like a second mom. I hate that she picks up on the tension between me and her stepdad. When she comes with questions, I just tell her that relationships have their ups and downs and reassure her that everything will be okay between us; knowing that it probably won't.

I'm just not ready to make such a drastic move, but at the same time fuck him. This has been going on for weeks now and I'm so tired. Having to go to work and play Celie then come home and have to deal with his bull is so fucking draining. Instead of him communicating with me and trying to better our relationship he avoids me and does stupid shit. We have been through so much together so, I don't why he'd risk our family and the image we've built by cheating.

I've always been a fan of Taraji. I always admired her in her movies and thought she was fine as hell. So when I met her in real life, we instantly connected. I love her so much because She always knows what to say or do when I'm at my lowest point. She gets me out of my comfort zone, makes me laugh, and knows me so much. I couldn't get through most of my scenes without her. God knows I love that woman so much and..)
              (Back to reality)

"Tasiaaa" raji said while shaking her. "What the fuck you thinking about?! You've done that shit twice now". "Who you talking to like that mama?" Tasia asked while grabbing her neck.

Before raji could respond tasia cut her off "We gotta head out, it's already 5:11pm and we both need to get ready. Dani's gonna start fussing if we're late.

"Yea okay you're right" (Raji was annoyed by the fact that fantasia seemed to be holding something back and wasn't discussing it with her). Tasia pecked her on the lips and quickly headed to the door and said, "Bye mama," eager to get home and see what Kendall wanted to talk about).

"Bye," Raji called out, noticing Tasia quickly making her way out with a fast pace. Raji whispered to herself, "Why the hell is she rushing so much? Acting like getting ready is a ten-year project."

             (Fantasia's house)

Tasia had made it to her house, she sighed before opening her car door. (Lord please give me the strength to go in this house and deal with this man, Amen!) she thought to herself.

She finally made it to the door and got her keys and unlocked it. When she walked in the house she heard Keziah yell "mamaa" while running to her.

She picked her up saying, "hey mommy's baby" and showed her some love by kissing all over her cute little face. That made keziah let out a bunch of giggles.

Zion made her way over to her mom and hugged and kissed her. "How was your day at work" she asked.

"It was good baby" tasia said not being completely honest. (I wasn't all out honest, but I didn't flat out lie either, considering my intimate moment with Taraji.)

"That's good momma" Zion said. "Sooo how's our other favorite person doing?" Zion asked while smirking. Tasia looked at her confused "who?" "You know who" zion said while laughing. Tasia just stared at her with a confused look on her face. "TARAJI MOM, OH MY GOD!" Zion said while getting loud.

"Ohhh" tasia said while laughing, "she's doing good". Zion started staring and smirking once again. "Why you looking at me like that girl" tasia asked. "Ohh nothingg" Zion said sarcastically.

"Ohhkayy, well I have to hurry and get ready to go out for drinks with Dani, Corey and Taraji " tasia said. "Ok momma" Zion said smiling extremely hard and grabbing Keziah saying "let's go play a game", "OTAY" Keziah yelled.

(That girl stay yelling and I wonder why Zion kept smiling and smirking so hard when I talked about Taraji. I'm pretty sure she's not aware of what's happening between the two of us, at least I think so. Anyways I wonder where their daddy at). Tasia thought to herself while walking up the stairs.

She walked into her room and discovered Kendall sitting on the bed, his fingers caressing his beard in the darkness. She stopped in her tracks for a second, then closed the door behind her while switching the light on.

"Hey Fantasia" he said in his deep voice. "Hey," Tasia said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why did you leave me on read instead of responding to me, when I texted you?" he said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Kendall stop all the small talk and tell me what you want to talk to me about?" Tasia said, slightly raising her voice. (He had some nerve questioning why I left him on read, especially since he's done the same to me before, the fuck).

"Answer my question" he said. "Kendall look, I don't have time or patience for your bullshit today okay. You texted me saying you want to talk and I'm here ready to talk, so what the FUCK YOU WANT?" Tasia said raising her voice.

"WELL I want to talk about our relationship. Things aren't going well at all-) tasia interrupted "and who fault is that?". "LOOK FANTASIA, I'm falling out of love with you. The only reason i'm-" tasia Interrupted again "KENDALL, are you fucking other women?"

"Fantasia! stop interrupting me" He said in a angry tone. "KENDALL ANSWER MY MOTHER FUCKING QUESTION" "Are you fucking other women" tasia said as she lowered her voice, remembering the kids are downstairs.

"YES" Kendall yelled. Tasia then became silent and felt tears welling up. (Well there's the answer that I've been waiting for). "Get out" tasia demanded. "Why wo-) before he could finish his sentence, tasia stormed out the room. Kendall followed her and seen her standing by the kitchen counter.

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