Dusty Days

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Her eyes fluttered awake. The dust hitting her lashes. She quietly sat up on her mattress, trying not to wake her sister, but her sister was already up and by their dresser. Her long blonde hair put back into a bun as she turned around.
"Ugh," The other stated, "My morning was going great until I saw your face."
The girl stood up from her dusty bed and walked to the hallway bathroom. She quickly turned the doorknob and walked inside. She looked up at the mirror and low and behold, behead.
She walked back to her room and tripped over one of her sisters bags.
"Dammit Vada! That was expensive!" Her sister yelped and pushed her out of the way.
"Well maybe you shouldn't put your stuff in the walk way of the door?" Vada said, rubbing her eyes. Her sister rolled her eyes and darted to the bathroom. Vada grabbed the brush that was on her nightstand and started to brush through her tangled hair.
"Nadia! Vada! Don't forget today is Chapel day! I need y'all dressed and ready in about twenty minutes!" A voice called out from the hallway.
Great. Chapel day.
Vada dashed to her side of the dresser and started to dig through the drawers. She ended up grabbing two dresses. One light pink and the other a nice brown.
"Definitely the brown one, more traditional." A voice said from the door way. Vada glanced at the door way and surprise surprise it was Komi and Zya was right behind her.
"How's our favorite blonde doing?" Komi asked walking over to where Vada was standing.
"I'm fine how are-" Nadia started to say, coming back into the room.
"Oh, you were talking to her...ehh." Nadia said, in a disgusted tone. Vada just rolled her eyes and looked back to Zya and Komi.
"Don't worry about her Va, but I do think you should go brush your hair and teeth before putting on that very nice dress.." Zya said, grabbing Vadas arm and taking her to the hallway bathroom. Vada grabbed her tooth brush and tooth paste and brushed her teeth as Zya watched her. She spit into the sink but not before pretending to spit at Zya. That reminded her of her dad. Always playing around at unnecessary moments, her mom giggling and grabbing ahold of the girls. Oh how she missed those days.

She finally got to change into the brown dress and show Zya and Komi.
"Woah..." They said in unison.
Vada twirled and bowed. Then she flicked her hair pretending to be a hair model of something.
"Okay Cinderella, sorry the ruin your moment but we really need to get to the Chapel!" Komi said looking at the clock on the wall. The girls darted out of the room, through the Corredor's, and into the Chapel.
The place was beautiful and scary at the same time. It gave Vada chills for some reason. She never got chills any other part of the school.
Komi pulled Zya's and Vada's arms to some sits as they waited for sister Mara. Sister Mara was nicer than the other sisters of the school. A lot nicer. Vada looked around some more and spotted her sister on the other side of the Chapel talking to some girls. Her and Nadia made eye contact for about two point five seconds before sister Mara walked on to the little stage. She was talking to sister Anna, who was writing down something on a clipboard.
"Okay listen up girls!" Sister Mara shouted.
"There is going to be construction done in the back of the school so do not,and I repeat do not go back there, it could be very dangerous."
"Why do I have the sudden urge to go back there now." Komi said, causing Vada and Zya to giggle. Sister Mara finally said to the prayer of the day and after the prayer, there lessons began. It was only a thirty lesson but to Vada it felt like forever.
The lesson finally ended and sister Mara said everyone was dismissed. Komi got up from her seat and let the other girls get up from theirs.
They began to walk back to Komi's room but Vada tripped over someone's foot, that someone was Nadia.
She began to laugh with her friends.
The evil witch cackle gave away witchy bitchy identity. Mom would kill Nadia if she found out how she acts now. Dad would be disappointed. But she's always been that way ever since Dad passed, I guess it's just a trauma response.

Komi finally got to plop down on her bed, the dust bits floated off the bed into the air and disappeared.
"Oh how I love the smell of dust!" Komi said, sitting up.
"I hate dust! It's always getting into my eyes! It's so annoying!" Zya complained. Komi giggle and looked over at Vada, who was looking out the window of Komi's room. Fingers snapped in Vadas face causing her to snap back into reality.
"Girl, are you good?" Komi asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just dozed off, I do that a lot, also please don't snap in my face when I doze off it catches me off guard."
Komi looked down as if she was embarrassed.
"Oh, I'm sorry..."
"No it's okay! You didn't know."
Komi plopped back down on her bed as Zya walked over at the window.
Zya began to giggle.
"What are you laughing at?" Komi asked, grabbing at Zya's legs.
"Were you staring at those boys Va?" Zya said smirking. Vadas eyes widened.
"Absolutely not! I was just dozed off!" Vada protested.
"Mhm, sure~" Zya said, plopping down right next to Komi on her bed. 
Vada remember when her mom used to sit down next to her and read her story's to bed. Something as simple as 'three little pigs' or 'the cat in the hat' even those simple story's meant alot to Vada.
Oh how she wishes to go back to those moments and relive them over and over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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