Chapter 1: Neverending

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Being able to breathe is something I've never really had. It was always such a foreign concept to me to have space and my own choice to decide what I want to do and make my own decisions crazy

The wind brushes my face and I shiver. These days I'm always so cold.....lonely but I'm used to this nothing new.

I make it to my high school Faraday High. I plaster a fake smile on my face one that I have perfected and shown so many times before.

I'm the leader of the student council and also head student with the highest grades blah blah blah so...annoying.

I'm walking down the hall smiling and waving at people my book bag swings and hits my hips as it usually does.

I make it through my first few classes painfully slow I can't wait until lunch lord help me till then

It's finally lunchtime and I can't wait to get my food, being the student council president has its pros and its cons. Pros: ..... Um, let's skip that one. Cons: everybody thinks your a stuck-up little bitch

Answer: you're not.

So as usually I have nowhere to sit, I grab my tray and head to the rooftop.

I'm sitting and looking down at my watch. Lunch is over in 30 minutes, time is so slow.

I pull out my only saving grace Morlbolo cigarettes. I slipped them off my father's desk a few weeks ago I have been doing this since freshman year, and I quickly and quietly check my surroundings and light the cigarette. Finally, my shoulders relax and I finally get some rest.....but not for long.

I'm sitting on the edge of the railing when I hear the rooftop door creek open.

My shoulders tense up, luckily where I'm sitting you can't see me from the door I slowly scoot away farther down the edge of the railing making sure I'm out of sight

Just when I think I'm safe I hear a smug voice say

"I know you're there"

I freeze and suddenly realize what gave me away the smell of the cigarette. I put it out and throw it over the ledge I curse at myself for not catching that sooner

"What are you going to sit there forever? I'm waiting?" I wince hoping that somehow he would forget about me but nope no such luck

Just then the school bell rings I thank whatever god did that and wait for the guy to leave at first I hear nothing then after I bit I hear him mutter

"Lucky you"

Then he slowly shuffles away I finally let out a breath of relief when I hear the rooftop doors creek close. I wait a few more minutes before I peek my head out making sure the coast is clear. I grab my coat and bag and scurry down the stairs running to my next class

I make it and walk inside the teacher looks at me and I say

"Sorry I had to run an errand for Ms.Calvein"

Mr.Bler nods and I sit down in my seat I take out my books, then I feel a gaze on me I shiver and look around looking for the culprit Adam Hethens ugh what does he want

After class I grab my stuff and get ready to go to my next class when I feel a touch on my shoulder I turn around and see Amy Melvi standing there I smile at her a genuine one. Then I say

"Welcome back M!"

She hugs me from the back. We met our sophomore year and since then we have become inseparable, she has been studying abroad for a few months in Greece and she has just come back

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