oh yeah, about the tws, yeha uh, sorry, my knowledge is very, yeah, eeeeheee-
im also pretty sure the tws might not be, perfect, welp ive got a headache currently, thags not fun, aaaaaa, I can feel my brain [I was gonna say me, cause thats actually factually correct, we are our brain, not our body, but our brain]
mentions of fire
mentions of smoke inhalation
mentions of animal cruelty
mentions of serial killers
mentions of blood
mentions of injury
mentions of me drinking my own blood, only a little bit, would not recommend btw, it tasted gross

if I miss any TELL ME
funfact, most cats actually get their hydration from their food and not from their drinks, I heard it a while ago and its a random fact ive been telling, so yeah :D
did you know most people dont die from the fire itself but the smoke inhalation!
did you know the reason animal cruelty is illegal because most serial killers start of harming animals, and that most serial killers are psychopaths, harming animals is a sign of psychopathy, so yeah, and the reason being that most enjoy seeing the pain the poor animals are in
blood actually has a taste, or atleast mine does, or did, havent tried it in a while, but when I was bleeding from an injury [not a fatal one or one that needed any looking into, a simple one, it was on my left arm? hand? I think, im pretty sure I just accidentally knocked it too hard, I dunno if I should call it an injury, but it was an injury, so yeah] it tasted sour, it was also very little, very very, so dont worry, not gonna die, pretty sure that was like 1-2 years ago, and im good
antisocial and asocial are different, asocial is what many people believe to be antisocial, asocial is being an introvert, and preferring your alone time, antisocial is being harmful towards others
did you know that ASPD, Anti Social Personality Disorder, is actually considered one, rather than multiple, its no longer "sociopathy" and "psychopathy", its just ASPD, due to the fact the two have too many overlying symptoms
did you know that theres only one type of poppy with a smell, its the opium poppy [yes I got this funfact from MatPat from that one poppy playtime theory lol]
I definitely have a lot more facts then that, but I forgot :] oof lol, anyways, theres that, and yes, I know, I know some very odd facts, but, eh *shrug*

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