A Fighting Kiss (Gally)

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"You're going down, Gally,"I promised, getting ready to spare.

"In your dreams, Y/N,"He scoffed.

"Really? That's pretty confident for someone on a losing streak,"I smirked.

"I guess I'll have to take my winning streak back then,"He responded.

With that I lunged at him. He grabbed my hands and started digging his heals into the ground. I did the same thing. We basically weren't moving an inch as our strength seemed to be equally matched.

"Give up. We both know how this ends,"I said.

"Yeah. With me winning,"He responded. My feet started moving. To be more specific I was about to leave the circle.

I wasn't going to let that happen though. I quickly pushed him forward, causing him to fall to the ground. Unfortunately, I forgot that he was still trying to shove me out. Since his hands were still in mine I landed on top of him.

His face was inches from mine. We didn't move, still in shock. Then, I got over it. Despite the fact that I wasn't even an inch away from him, despite the fact that I could count every freckle on his face it didn't feel awkward in the slightest. It felt right.

"I love you,"I said, not knowing where the burst of courage came from or even that I felt that way. Still, instant regret flowed through my veins as we both processed what I had admitted. Even worse, he hadn't actually said anything back.

Then, he kissed me. Right there in the middle of the fight ring, in front of everyone, he kissed me. And I kissed back without a care in the world.

And with the cheering from the crowd, and his lips pressed against mine, the Glade finally felt complete.

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