|•Meeting 2•|

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Wilbur walks inside the house to see Tallulah sitting on the couch she looks at him and smiles

Wilbur: "Welcome home i have a surprise for you."

Wilbur says quietly Tallulah stands up and walks to wilbur who picks her up and walks to the back of the house he puts her down Tallulah looks up seeing Quackity standing there holding Tilin sleeping

Quackity: "Hey little one."

Quackity smiles Tallulah stares at him she looks at Wilbur and hugs him smiling happily then she lets go and walks to Quackity and waves at him

Quackity: "I see your father is to stupid to teach you sign lenguage huh?"

Wilbur rolls his eyes and crosses his arms

Wilbur: "She didnt want to learn sign lenguage cause not everyone understands it."

Wilbur says Quackity looks at him then at Tallulah again she nods confirming what wilbur said

Quackity: "Thats kinda cute to be honest still stupid but cute."

Quackity smiles and walks to wilbur he passes Tilin to wilburs arms

Quackity whispering: "Do anything to him and i'll rip you apart."

Wilbur nods and holds Tilin who was still sleeping Quackity walks to Tallulah and picks her up wilbur doesnt seem to happy to see Quackity holding her but doesnt say anything

Quackity: "Maybe you can learn sign lenguage to talk to your brother."

Tallulah smiles and nods exitedly

Wilbur: "Oh so now you want to."

Tallulah giggles and looks at wilbur she shrugs

★Time skip★

They spoke for hours then decided to go inside the house Quackity was in the kitchen with wilbur while Tallulah and Tilin were in the living room

Wilbur: "Dont pick her up again."

Quackity: "Why not? You hold Tilin why cant i do the same to Tallulah?"

Wilbur stays silent he sighs

Wilbur: "Whatever forget it."

Quackity is about to say something when Tallulah and Tilin run inside the kitchen and stop in front of them

Tilin in sign lenguage: "Dad! Look at what i taught little sis!"

Both Quackity and wilbur look at Tallulah

Tallulah smiles and signs the words 'I love my family' in sign lenguage

Wilbur smiles and pats Tallulahs head

Wilbur: "Thats my smart little girl learning new things."

Quackity: "She said she loves her family.."

Wilbur looks at Quackity his smile fades away he looks at Tallulah and sighs he forces a smile

Wilbur: "Why dont you go show Tilin your room? Im sure he would like to see your toys."

Wilbur smiles Tallulah nods and grabs Tilins hand they both run to Tallulahs room

Wilbur: "Dont get any ideas im not gonna get back to you just because of Tallulah."

Quackity: "I would rather get back with Schlatt than you."

Wilbur stays silent for a moment then he laughs a little making Quackity laugh too

Wilbur: "No you dont."

Quackity: "No i wouldnt."

Wilbur: "Its getting late its dangerous for you to walk with Tilin at this time you can stay here for tonight."

Quackity: "Thanks i guess maybe i can take Tallulah t-"

Wilbur interrupts Quackity

Wilbur: "No."

Quackity: "It was worth trying."

★Time skip..again★

Wilbur had finished getting the guest room ready for Quackity and Tilin Quackity walks inside the room and stands by the door

Quackity: "Tilin and Tallulah fell asleep in her room."

Wilbur: "Let them sleep."

Quackity sighs he walks to wilbur and stands next to him

Quackity: "Im still waiting for you to apologise."

Wilbur: "Apologise for what? Showing you the truth about that stupid place?"

Quackity: "Look it was stupid but you didnt have to ruin it you know? Las Nevadas was fine without you..i dont know why i even said yes when you asked me to date you."

Wilbur falls silent he doesnt say anything for a bit before speaking again

Wilbur: "Im sorry."

Quackity looks at wilbur and crosses his arms

Wilbur: "I mean it im sorry i shouldnt have done that..but it was the only way to show you that Las Nevadas wasnt the right place for you."

Quackity doesnt answer suddenly he hugs wilbur

Wilbur: "Wh-"

Quackity: "Shut up."

Quackity says quietly wilbur smiles a little and hugs him back they stay like that for a few minutes before wilbur lets go and steps back

Quackity: "I cant sleep alone you know that."

Wilbur: "Still having nightmares about Schlatt?"

Quackity nods he looks to the side and sighs

Quackity: "Yeah."

Wilbur: "Well maybe we can bring the kids to the living room and stay there all togheter?"

Quackity just nods he walks out of the room wilbur follows behind him a bit later they get Tallulah to Tilin and put them on the couch in the living room then they get some blankets and put them on the floor and lay down they end up falling asleep

Hope everyone is doing good today!

I dont really have anything to say so byee i love you!

My daughters teacher |•a q!quackbur fanfic•|Where stories live. Discover now