A Small Thought

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This isn't much of a full story, but just like imagine something with me real quick...

Personally, I can see Arny as like the type of person who LOVES to gossip with his partner. Like just absolutely loves to hear all of the drama and juicy secrets going on with their friends, family, and/or coworkers. 

That being said, he would love to hear every detail about it at any moment. Literally ANY moment. 

Like you would get home from work just dying to tell him what happened. And he would be dying to know but also dying to just ravish you completely. 

So you begin to tell him what happened and he is nodding along, listening to what you are saying, but his hands are roaming all over you. You are confused and stop talking for a second but he assures you that he is listening.

"Go on, love," he whispers, kissing your neck. "I'm listening."

You continue to tell the gossip trying your best to concentrate, but it was getting hard to do so with him kissing down your stomach. 

Quickly, this just turns to you struggling to tell the story while he just completely devours you.

"And then- oh fuck, that feels good," you moaned. "Then she told me that she- fuck, don't stop. She said she had been with him that night."

You could hardly get a sentence out fully because of him. It took you much longer to finish telling  him the story.

Once he was done, he then sits with you and you both just debrief the entire gossip bit by bit. 

Anyways, I need someone like this. 

A/N: Give me your opinions or thoughts so I can write more stuff. I hope everyone is doing good and staying healthy. Lots of love <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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