Shocking Tides

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You do nothing beside keep me appalled

Your words rushing within like water

Dripping and slipping through every crack and crevice it could find

Why must you be so graceful

Your tides fill me with an abundance of wonder



I ask myself

What is it that I remember ?

What is it that I visualize ?

Why does your grace fill me with such things

Our laughter and such unaltered and unquestioned moments



That continue to shine like painite

In my drive

My brain that serves as a storage

One that has its many perks

And many faults

Help me


Why help?

Do you know why you need help?

A voice echoes in the back of my head

Being heard clearly

As if no one was there

I couldn't seem to find the answer

The voice pleaded on and on

Restless whispering

I still stand there




I dissociate

With no answer in return

When in turn

There are many answers

Many to choose from

Overriding my capacity of thoughts

Drowning tides

They aren't within

They aren't without

Because it is i

Who is the drowning tides

Now i am hundreds of feet underwater

whilst everyone else returns back home 

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