Skye gets badly injured.

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                                                                                    Libby's POV

It was another beautiful day in Adventure Bay, and all the pups were playing outside. Skye was playing tag with Chase.

Rocky had set up some glass bottles by his pup house, but as he left, a gust of wind knocked the bottles over and the shattered.

As Skye was running with Chase, she didn't see where she was going.

"SKYE, LOOK OUT!" Chase shouted at Skye.

But Skye was too far from Chase to hear him, she tripped head over paw, and she was headed right for Rocky's pup house. By the time she tried to stop, she was sliding over the glass shards and went headfirst into the side of Rocky's pup house.

"Skye are you-." Chase said but was cut off as he heard screaming coming from Skye.

"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Skye screamed in pain she saw blood oozing from glass shards stuck in her paws and a cut on her head.

Just then I came out to say good morning to the pups, but when I saw Skye badly injured, I was shocked.

"Oh my gosh, Skye you're bleeding!" I exclaimed in panic.

As I carried Skye to the Lookout, Chase followed behind, and so did the other pups.

Marshall and I were pulling out the glass shards from Skye's paws, but while we were doing that, Skye began to cry.

"Ow, ow, ow,ow, stop that hurts!" Skye cried in Chase's neck.

"Libby, we better take Skye to the vet." Ryder said to me.

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