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chapter one - Mason point of view

—ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, and i waited for Jonny, my best friend, in the hallway next to our lockers. I was so tired, that my whole body was in pain. I worked at the garage yesterday until it was four in the morning.
Not the smartest thing to do when you have to wake up for school three hours later.

Not to mention the training Jonny and Aiden dragged me to the whole summer.
My body was exhausted, and standing here so early in the morning didn't helped.

But even though i felt like I'm going to break, i know i will go back there and work my ass off, because i enjoy doing it every day.

My dad was one of those guys that had some crazy car collection. The little ones, that each one of them is made by a different material.
And I fell in love with it back then. Now I'm the one that collect them. And that collection is more important to me than a lot of things in this life.

It's the second year of high school, and i felt like this year some things will finally stay behind, and i could start fresh. With minding things that will actually happen, and not just dreaming.

"Good morning juniors!" Jonny's loud and familiar voice filled the hall in seconds, he yelled with excitement and jumped on my back.

He got expelled last year from school, and somehow his parents convinced the principal to let him stay. I had a big part of it either, i swore to Mr. Green as Jonny's best friend, that from now on he will focus on school, and not in girls, cars, or partying like this fucker usually does.

He was the first one I connected with in kindergarten, and we're stuck together since then. We're friends for so long, that I don't think we can go a day without hanging out together.
With Ali and Aiden, of course.

"Be quiet, idiot." I pat his back, and we stared walking to the garage that was placed right next to the school's big parking lot.

"I can't believe I'm here, man." He put his hand around my shoulder and a smirk was playing on his lips to the look of all the new girls in the hall.

"I remind you that this year your gonna sit on your ass and study." I turned my head to him, he wasn't listening to a word i said. His eyes was too busy staring. I smacked his arm and his head immediately turned around in panic.

"You're not getting tired aren't you. You have two more years to do whatever you want with those girls, take yourself some time." I told him.
Jonny was always crazy about girls. He had his first girlfriend when he was six, and that's one of the things he cared about in life.

"You wanted to go without us, shitheads?" Aiden and Ali joined us complaining, after three calls they didn't answered to from Jonny.

"Answer your fucking phone first." Jonny said and kissed Ali's cheek for hello, i got a text from Frank that the car had arrived three days ago. Frank is our teacher. We all very connected to him because all the years we spent with him studying. He's treating us like a father.

My head was focused on one thing, the project in the garage. Every year we get a big project to work on, this year we took a trashy car from the old garbage dump, we're gonna fix it to perfection. I'm really counting on this project.

"Are you even eating healthy?" Aiden asked Jonny as they fell to a long conversation about Jonny's gym process, i wasn't really listening.
I hated when that was happening, but thoughts about Grace was making their way to my head.

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