Chaos Meets Calm

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There once existed an ethereal realm of gods and goddesses alike, a beautiful place where emotions sculpted the reality and love knew no bounds. Moss for example, a simple god of chaos. Their personality was wild and unpredictable. Their hair was blonde and pink, eclectic accessories placed throughout holding it all up. They reveled in the chaos they stirred, cherished it even. They found the utmost beauty in everything they created, no matter how odd or damaged it may be.

Although to most Most seemed to be a whirlwind of destruction and creativity, deep inside them, they longed for something more simple and calm. They didn't know if they were lovable under all their layers of chaos and mischief.

Mere, a young goddess with deep ebony skin and the prettiest orange and brown locs, was the calm Moss had been needing. She too longed for something different, someone different. Everyone surrounding her was different, but none in the way she was searching for. She wished to meet someone wild and unbothered by the world, someone who saw beauty in everything instead of pushing aside the things no one else liked.

Mere offered solace and compassion to those in need, yet her heart wanted to experience the excitement of being care free. Mere wanted someone to bring that out of her, to show her she had it in her. She wanted a lover who was different than anyone she'd ever met.

As fate would have it, Moss and Mere's destinies were intertwined. Moss, the ever so curious god finds themselves lost in one of the most quiet and serene of places. As they walk about, searching for someone to help them make their way back, they stumble upon a beautiful scene. In an elegant clearing field with flowers and the quiet chirping of birds, there sits the most beautiful being Moss had ever seen. There sits Mere.

Mere senses a presence behind her, one field with love for all things wild, a soul so unpredictable and mischievous. As she turns around to see a being she could only describe as angelic. With their shoulder length pink hair and blonde bangs gently swaying in the wind, who couldn't think of them as only the most beautiful person in the world? Their eyes shone brightly, a hint of unpredictability glimmering, along with something else. Pure admiration shone in their green eyes. Mere wondering what they could be admiring. Soon she heard them speak, "You're lovely."

Moss felt their eyes widen and their cheeks grow warm. Why would they say such a thing? Of course this being before them was beautiful, of course she looked as if she'd descended from the sky above, but why say such a stupid thing? She probably already knew that and now they just seem silly, their self deprecating thoughts were cut short by the woman standing up and gliding over. "I think you're lovely as well." She smiles softly, casting her eyes down to the ground.

Moss stands still, their eyes locked on the stunning woman in front of them, they reach out and place their hand on her warm shoulder. As the two begin walking slowly through the warm, grassy area, they learn about each other, They learn of the others fears and hopes. They soon find themselves knowing so much about one another, it's almost like they;d known each other since the time they'd been created.

Days turned to weeks, weeks into months, months into years and Moss only fell deeper and deeper into the warmth of Mere's love. They found solace in her steady calm , Mere found excitement in Moss's chaos and unpredictability. They lifted each other out of the hardest times, and stuck together through everything. They were in love.

But fate, with its cruel irony , soon intervened. It tore at their love, trying its hardest to pull them apart. It disrupted the balance of the universe, and a rift tore through the fabric of reality, pushing the two apart.

The two couldn't give up on each other, they fought fiercely to save what they both knew couldn't be saved. They embarked on the most perilous journeys, traveling across time and space in search of a way to stay together. With every trial they faced, their bond grew stronger, their love seemed everlasting. Until one fateful day.

Moss had known for some time that Mere would never fully be just theirs to love and cherish. They tried to hold onto her warmth and tranquility as long as possible, yet now they know it's time to let her go. So Moss made the ultimate choice, they sacrificed themselves to make sure Mere wouldn't be destroyed. Yet in some way, she was anyway.

As Moss's physical form faded into the air, Mere could feel her heart being torn apart. Her heart felt as if it had been shattered into a million pieces. The one person she'd needed had been taken away from her. Mere could feel the rage bubbling inside of her. Yet as she screamed, tears falling down her beautiful face, she could hear Moss's soft laughter, she could feel their love wrapping her in a warm embrace. She found peace in the days to come, she found peace knowing Moss gave their all to keep their love alive. 

Written wit love by Moss. 

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