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When kagami woke up from his nap,he heard a 'ding' come his phone.As he rubbed his eyes, kagami had seen he had a message from aomine. That surprised him,he thought the idiot would be sleeping past the time that it was (11:00 am).

Going past his surprise,kagami had opened the message because the notification didn't show what aomine sent. He was really surprised to read

From Ahomine:

"Um, are you free? I wanna go on a date with you. Only if you're free and want to though"

Kagami's face immediately turned red,Even if he'll never admit it.he can't deny he was slowly falling head over heels for aomine the last few months.

When kagami eventually calmed his face down, he typed a response

To Ahomine:

"Yeah ofc! When though?"

Kagami was hoping he would respond quickly again this time too,luckily his wish was soon granted with

From Ahomine:

"Great, is today fine?"

Kagami was excited and immediately responded

To Ahomine:

"Yes! today is perfect, where and what time?"

He was super excited at this point, kagami was fantasizing what he was gonna wear already,

From Ahomine:

"Tetsu told me that you like sushi,so um how about that conveyor sushi belt by maji ba at 1:00?"

Kagami was surprised he knew that, and happy at the same time. To him it seemed like people didn't notice or ask any other details about him if it wasn't about basketball.

He responded to aomine with

To Ahomine:

"I'm surprised you knew that (≡^∇^≡), and thats perfect I'll meet you there if that's what you want me to do."

Aomines response was quick with

From Ahomine:

"No need I don't want you walk there especially alone I'll pick you up"

How much aomine was protective over kagami surprised him,kagami hadn't had anyone be like that with him before,

Kagami responded

To Ahomine:

"Ok! I'll be waiting (*´ω`* "

It was 12:50,nearing 1:00. Kagami spent his remaining hour waiting for aomine deciding on an outfit before eventually deciding on this

 Kagami spent his remaining hour waiting for aomine deciding on an outfit before eventually deciding on this

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It was only a sushi date but still kagami still wanted to look nice for him,it was aomine after all.

[AN: I'm glad I finally got to releasing a new part earlier than normal,also I hope you guys can tell I've never been asked on a date before I've never been asked or been the asker so sorry if it wasn't what you wanted!]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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