chapter 1: V and Uzi

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Warning: kissing, neck biting, and more (smut)

~ V and uzi are just kissing ~

V pov: :^

Uzi pov: :^

~ they go on a murder spree ~

Narrator: -Later that day-

V visor: Sleep mode: on

Uzi visor: sleep mode: on

Narrator: They slept, murdered made out, repeat, and met N and more on that in chapter 2, but everyone is bisexual.

~V bites Uzi's neck and other things~ (after they woke up)

~Uzi bites V's neck and other things~ (an hour after they murdered a lot of ppl)

V pov: So what now?

Uzi pov: idk :^

~they went to the bar and continued the same things as the narrator said. "Narrator: They slept, murdered made out, repeat."~

Chapter 2 is coming soon~

Y/a here, I love you guys because you're helping a small creator rn, and I love the things you guys have been doing to help, so yeah<3

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