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Living a foolish life is hard enough, but having to deal with it. Dame, I hated it. Every second, but like someone said somewhere in the timeline of this universe, "There's life for you." Yet there were some things you can't get out of so easy. Something that wasn't was rent. Yeah, I could just leave and not pay, but that would just leave me on the streets with nothing. And that isn't ideally the future I want. So, I have to find a way to make 3,274 dollars in two weeks. It shouldn't be that hard, right? I can try for a job. But what job will pay over two thousand dollars a week. I guess I could try to take a gig, but it would have to be one hellava gig to pay that much. There is always the option to contact my family. Yet they kinda stopped accepting my calls since the last family reunion we had in March. I'm not sure what to do. I don't even like living here, and it always has something messed up with it. Like just last week, there was a water pipe burst down the hall, and now it is starting to mold the carpet. I can't stand the smell. But there isn't any other place that would take me, and it's not like this place wanted me either. I only got this shabby place cause my brother. If I did better, my family would've probably actually listened to me. Anyway, there is still the problem of rent. Mabey, I might give the family thing a shot. Hopefully, it works out.


Dialing the number wasn't easy. I had to figure out the right person to call. My mother and my father were off the table, aunt's or uncles were gone to, so maybe my siblings. I could call Jena or Sharon.
They were the only ones left who would actually take my call, even if it was just for a minute. Dialing the number, I waited as the phone rang. It went on for a couple of seconds before someone picked up.

"Hello, who is this?" Jena's voice was calm and showed no distress of any sort.

"Hey, big sis, how's life," With a swift cut off, she made sure her voice was clear.

"Why are you calling me, I thought I got rid of your number, I never want to speak with you." I could tell her voice was no longer calm but more angered.

"Wait, can you at least hear me out, I just need to ask a favor."

" Oh so is this favor going to end up like the last one with you getting drunk and ruining the reunion, you know what you don't even appreciate the work that I put in just for you to get invited." It was true. I never thanked her for even getting me invited to the family reunion that happened in March. Yet I needed this, or I was going to be out on the streets. Mabey, it wasn't the best to call her, yet she was the nicest person out of my family. No one else would have even accepted my call. But what else

"I know I am sorry and I do appreciate the things you have done for me, but this is important, I just need some money, that's all I promise" speaking as confident, yet sorry into the phone I waited for a response.

" You know I love you, and you have so much potential to be a great person, but you need to get your life together." Before hanging up, she told me one last thing, "and don't even think about calling Sharon. She is going through a rough time already. She doesn't need to be reminded of you."

Hearing the phone go dead, I set it down in defeat. What was I supposed to do know? I was worried and had no idea of what was to come. My head started to get dizzy, almost like I was having another episode of mine. Realizing I was probably going to, I walked over to my kitchen. Using my hand, I reached over, felling the top of my refrigerator. Where the hell is it. Finally feeling the familiar round shape, I pushed the bottle to the side, knocking it off. With the medication bottle, I was now able to control my head. Poping the lid off, I poured two pills into the palm of my fist.closing the bottle and throwing it back onto the top of the fridge. I dumped the pills into my mouth. Being so used to the feeling, I could swallow them without water. While waiting for the relaxation to kick in, I thought it would be best to go check my mail even though I was expecting nothing. But what else was there to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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