Chapter 14

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"Angel!" His voice came out a strained-worried whisper, the bedsheet crumbled in my claws as I tried to bite back the hiccup in my throat.

"Kev!!" And I broke down.


The bed sheet crumpled back onto the bed as I released it, tears streaming down my face. A loud sob escaped my lips as I recalled his words, "Cry all you want, my baby bear. But remember, every tear carries an unknown pain that wounds my heart. Please tell me what happened, Angel?"

His words only fueled my tears. Choking back another sob, I cried out, "Kev... I... just... almost kissed him. I wanted to so badly, I didn't even feel guilty. But Kev, he's her boyfriend! She's my best friend! I almost kissed her boyfriend! He's proposing to her tomorrow, and today I..."

Disgust welled up within me as I spat out the words, "Kev! I'm so sorry... I feel tainted, like a bad person. I didn't mean it, but-"

"No, Angel, don't blame yourself for something you didn't do," he interrupted gently. "You were about to, but you stopped. You were strong enough to overcome it. I'm so proud of you, Angel. You're the bravest woman I know, my very own tigress. Now, stop crying and breathe deeply with me. Count to ten, just like we always do, hmm? One inhale... two exhale... three... four..."

I followed his instructions, inhaling and exhaling with each count. Gradually, my breathing steadied, and the sobs subsided.

"Good," he said, his voice calm and soothing. "Now, let's finish the count together, okay?"

I nodded silently, though he couldn't see me. "Seven... eight... nine... ten."

Our voices met on each number, his calm contrasting with my shaky voice. Yet, I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

"Thank you, Kev," I whispered, a lump forming in my throat. "I miss you."

"Always remember, Angel," he replied, his voice filled with warmth, "you are the purest soul I know, and you always will be. Okay?"

"Okay," I confirmed, my voice hoarse but head nodding vigorously.

"Good. Now, go freshen up and get some rest, alright?"


"That's my girl. Bye, take care..."

With a click, the call ended. I placed the phone on the nightstand and walked towards the bathroom, following Kev's advice and seeking solace in the quiet routine.

A pounding headache and waves of nausea woke me up. The sun streamed through the window, painting the beach in a peaceful glow, the sky a flawless blue. Usually, I adored Niagara summers, but today, the world's mere existence felt like an offense. My headaches, a persistent nuisance for days, had reached a new level of torment. This morning, even for a self-proclaimed morning person like me, was pure misery.

Groaning, I shielded my eyes from the sunbeams and cursed under my breath. Sleep barely grazed me before the door creaked open. Only one person ever entered my room like that. We weren't exactly on speaking terms, but a connection, however strained, remained... him.

Another groan escaped me as I yanked the covers up, muttering incoherent curses. A snicker confirmed my suspicions. "You seriously need to break free from that guy! You barely even know him, and I can't keep suffering like this!" I whined like a petulant child, burying myself deeper under the blanket.

A chuckle, laced with amusement, danced in the air. "Sorry to disappoint, Olly, but he won't leave me alone. Seems someone thought bringing him wasn't a good idea." Another chuckle followed, and I threw off the covers, wriggling like a fish out of water.

"Hold on, grumpy cat," Lawrence chuckled, "I don't fancy getting pummeled by a wild feline waiting for breakfast."

He spoke as I sat on the bed's edge, dangling my feet and muttering curses under my breath. He offered a saucer with pills, his words barely registering through my throbbing head. I mumbled a thanks and took the saucer, glancing up at him.

There he stood, my best friend's fiancé, looking like a movie star out of a dream. He held the saucer with tablets and a glass of water, his posture impeccably casual.

I grumbled like a petulant child before snatching the pills, tossing them in my mouth with a grimace. He then handed me the water, making sure I swallowed every drop before taking the glass back. A gentle pat on the head finished his ministrations.

"Lawrence," I croaked, "you don't have to do this for him."

A warm smile bloomed on his face, even warmer than mine. "Doing it for my little sister," he said, his words a soothing balm on my feverish mind.

I offered a weak smile and mumbled a "thanks" as he turned and left. With a sigh, I shuffled out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom, the remnants of his warmth lingering in the air.

Half an hour later, I emerged from the bathroom, feeling refreshed with a robe wrapped around me and a towel drying my hair. My eyes immediately gravitated towards the nightstand, searching for my phone. As if on cue, it buzzed, displaying a call from "Kev." Above his name, it read "Call from." Annoyed, I picked up and snapped, "You know you're the source of half my headaches!"

A chuckle met my outburst. "Good morning to you too, Angelwing! And to answer your question, I'm the one who helped you with that headache." He snickers, and I huff out a sigh. "Stop laughing, pig!" I grumble.

"So, what's on the agenda today?"

I clenched the bedsheets, letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm... gonna help Kenneth with his proposal."

A pause, then his calm voice filled the speaker. "Are you sure, Angelwing?"

I nodded, forgetting he couldn't see me. "Yeah," I sighed.

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