SFW; Battle for Panoptica

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The skies of Panoptica are blotted out by four Hive Tomb carriers, brandishing the banners of Xivu Arath like scars on their hulls. In the middle of the formation, a smaller Pyramid ship appeared; still bigger than the Tomb Carriers, but smaller than the like seen on Europa or Luna.

The ships, in unison, began laying down fire on the ground directly below, incinerating the marshes and shallow waters to scorched earth and molten glass.

In the palace, Herra, Coda, Meurdrac, Midas and Vestige watched the ships bombard the plains beyond the courtyard, Herra letting out a sigh. Vestige turned to look at her, folding his arms across his chest.

Vestige; "I don't know if Evelyn got the message, but... We're probably gonna be waiting a while before she shows up."

Herra bit her lip out of anxiety, eyes remaining fixed on the ships in the distance.

Herra; "The Eidolons should hold them off... If not take them out in their entirety."

Vestige leaned over so he was barely in her periphery.

Vestige; "Do they have experience fighting a Hive army?"

Herra said nothing; only swallowed a knot in her throat as she saw the Eidolons run full sprint towards the beachhead. At said beachhead, an immense Knight teleported onto the field in a maelstrom of blood red flames, a sword hilt in hand and spikes on his back which had Lucent Hive, Cabal and Guardian helmets impaled. With a flick of his wrist, the sword ignited in crimson fire, and he held it high, shouting across the plains.


Seeder pods began to deploy from the Tomb Carriers, a dozen of them, set up in the smoldering ground in a circle formation. The pods opened up to deploy masses of Thrall, Ogres, Acolytes and Knights, along with one wizard each. One of the wizards, donned in the same scarlet chitin as the large Knight, shouted to the other Wizards.
"**Conjure the Gilded Ruin! Drown the throne world in blood for the god of war!**"

The horde of Thralls and Orgres went first towards the palace as the Wizards took positions in front of the seeder ships, facing the center of the circle. Just as they chanted and started the ritual, the edges of the foliage rustled, scores of pairs of sapphire blue eyes glowing deep in the brush. The Thrall screeched and the Ogres roared when the eyes made themselves known, as 25 Exos with Hive features emerged from the dense flora, bearing sickly green Soulfire in their palms; some ran on their legs, others galloped like wild cats. They bore a glowing blue symbol on their foreheads, emblematic of Herras brood, and their mouths held gnashing, metal teeth.

From their Soulfire filled hands, Solar flames gathered and they lobbed explosives at the amassed army, preventing them from advancing lest they walk through blistering flames and heat.The Acolytes and Ogres thrashed the Thrall out of the way to get a clear shot at the automatons, who were minimally damaged by bolts from the Acolyte Shredders. One of the Eidolons shouted in the Hive tongue, and the bipedal morphs flicked their wrists, the Solar plasma changing to Arc static.

Aiming their palms at an angle, they began firing boomer shots over the Hive behind the army, aiming for the seeder pods and summoner wizards. The bolts exploded around the wizards in a scatter, but steadily became more accurate, the Wizards having to dodge between chants. The Thrall were soon assaulted by the bestial Eidolons charging at them through the flame wall.

Back in the palace, Herra furiously gripped her arms behind her back, her nails digging deep enough into the skin to draw blood, Vestige and Midas standing on either side of her. Meurdrac paced back and forth behind Herra, fists clenched at her sides.

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