She's All Mine!

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The days that followed my little... heart-to-heart conversation with Brie were filled with a weird inner silence and a way-less-than-recommended amount of sleep.

One evening, as we sat together in the quiet solitude of the locker room, giving both of us (or at least me) that same sense of deja vu, I ignored the silence... and her uncomfort: "Brie, can I ask you something?" I began, staring at her look for nothing in her pretty empty locker with a focused but sort of relaxed poker face

She turned to me hesitantly, a small anticipation I could see within her. "Ok."

I took a deep breath, my fingers tracing absentminded patterns on the locker behind me. "Where do we go from here? I mean, do we... get guys? Are we...?" My voice trailed off, leaving the last question hanging in the air.

For a moment, she was at a loss for words, her mind probably racing with a million possibilities of what to say about her "sweet AJ Lee". But then, as I met Brie's gaze, I didn't realise that the answer was so much simpler than I had ever imagined.

"We fall in love with whoever our hearts lead us to, AJ." she said, obviously still very uncomfortable with the casualty of the situation. A smile spread across my face, my beacon of hope in the dimly lit room. "Okay, Brie." I said, my eyes shimmering with unshed and emotionless tears. "As long as we have each other, we can face whatever comes our way."

And in that moment, as I embraced her in the tightest hug imaginable, I knew that no matter what the future held, Brie would always lead back to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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