I'm gonna try to keep this short and sweet bc I know that people (or at least I do) hate this things. 

I'm not all that great at writing, but you should know that I damn well put everything I have into chapters. So if they turn out good then good and if not then that sucks.

I don't expect this story to blow up but if it does.... Lit.🔥

Also, Lucius Malfoy plays a pretty big part in this story. And since it's set in the marauders era, I tried to find a picture of him young. Sadly, I could not find one so... I'm just gonna imagine him as coryo in his pre-demented era✌️✌️(pic above ⬆️). Feel free to imagine him however you want. I just find it's easier to create a character when they have a face yk.

I did not in fact keep this very short, but if you read it, thanks. Enjoy.


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