1 | Italy?!

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When my father passed, a piece of my heart broke off that could never be repaired. He worked for MACUSA (The Magic Congress of the United States of America). One morning near my eleventh birthday, me, Dad, and Mom were sat at the breakfast table, chatting about what we had planned for that specific day.

  A steaming plate of hash and fried eggs sit on my plate, and a half-eaten slice of toast lies on top. Mom's cooking had always been iffy, not that I would ever say it to her face, but she did know how to make the best breakfast you have ever had. Even with something so simple as eggs and hash, she could make it taste as if it was the first time you've ever tried it. And she didn't even use magic in the kitchen, although a couple of meals maybe could have called for it.

  Digging into my plate, my dad clears his throat across the table before speaking. "There's something I'd like to talk to you two about," he said in his familiar gravely voice. He sighed before running his left hand through his jet-black hair. His gold wedding band glints in the light as his arm moves, and he places both of his hands on the edge of the table, interlacing them in a serious manner.

  "Is everything alright, my love?" My mom asks, a glint of concern lacing her voice. Her long, dark brown locks fall over her fair skin, and her stormy grey eyes appear brighter than usual as the rays of sunlight streaming in from the window illuminate them. She smoothes out her denim-colored dress before adjusting in her seat uncomfortably, waiting for my father to reply.

  "The president of MACUSA herself has asked me personally to oversee a mission being conducted in Italy. I don't know when I will be back." He finally says.

  "W-what do you mean Micheal? What kind of mission?" My mom stammers quietly, disbelief shining lightly in her eyes.

  "Come on, Marie, you know I would tell you if I could." He says apologetically. "I can only tell you that it's in Italy. And that you guys aren't permitted to come with me this time," he says as he looks downward, right at the brown stain on the hardwood floor.

  Dad had always gone on missions for MACUSA, and sometimes Mom was allowed to go with him. Except most times he was permitted to tell us what exactly the mission was.

  My breathing began to pick up, and truth be told, I was afraid. I couldn't quite understand what it was that I was afraid of, but all I knew was that I was. Suddenly, that toast and eggs weren't feeling so good in my belly, and the back of my throat began to sting as I held back from releasing the waterworks.

  "Daddy, are you gonna come back?" I ask in my shaky little ten-year-old voice.

He begins to frown, the crease in between his eyebrows showing before he pushes his chair back with his feet. "Come here princess," he says, holding his arms out. I hop down from my place on the tall dining chair and slowly make my way over to him, clambering onto his lap while rubbing my puffy eyes. "Of course, I'm coming back, sweetheart. I could never leave you and Mommy alone, now could I?" He wraps his arms protectively over my small body and places a tender kiss on my forehead.

  I grip tightly onto his shirt before he pulls away. "Now you need to go eat, so I can talk to Mommy alone afterwards, okay?" He asks me.

  "Okay," I reply, my voice still a bit shaky. I climb back onto my chair, and soon we all return to eating. Except this time, the table was silent. I hear a small sniffle come from my mom, and when I look over at her she gives me a small smile, hiding her apparent sadness.

  Eventually, we all finish our breakfast, and I run to the living room, where my various collections of Barbies lie on the ground. Sitting on the ground, I pick two up and begin playing in the dollhouse as I hear a sob come from the kitchen.

  "Do you even know if you're coming back, Micheal?" My mother asks through a shaky voice as she turns off the sink.

There's a pause for a few moments before I hear my mom begin sobbing once more. "They can't just send you out there without a guarantee of coming back!" She cries out, exasperated.

"I'm gonna try my hardest to come back. I'll fight with every fiber of my being to come back to you and Reena if I have to. But I have to go. I don't have a choice in the matter. You know this." He says sadly.

About twenty seconds go by before my dad speaks again. "I leave tomorrow," he says quietly. "I'll write to you every single day, I promise." Cries echo throughout the house once more, before a faint "I love you" resonates in the room.

"I love you more."

He did indeed leave the next morning. And he did write every day, just as he had promised. Years passed, and I started school at Ilvermorny. Every child knew my father had been somewhat shipped off, and the teasing nearly became unbearable. The American students bullied me relentlessly into my fifth year.

One day, Dad's owl never showed up. And it didn't for years after that. Two Aurors appeared at our doorstep one morning, and it wasn't too much of a surprise when they told us that my father had passed away. They wouldn't give us any specific details but told us that if we were to have a traditional American funeral, the casket would have to be closed.

They gave her my dad's wedding band and some condolences, then apparated from our front porch as quickly as they had came.

My mother was devastated. The bullying and the teasing stopped and were instead replaced with looks of remorse, and of course, the apologies attacked both me and my mother unforgivingly. We both prayed that everybody just would leave us alone, but they never did.

That's when we decided to move to London.

I think this is a pretty good place to leave off. I hope you enjoyed.

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