Chapter 12

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It's been a month now. Next month we start school again. I mean I'm not really that upset about it considering I do my school work online. Although my mom said when highschool comes around she wants me to go back to public school so I can get the highschool experience, which I completely understand. I would like to go to highschool it seems pretty fun in the movies and TV shows. My mom told me she had the most fun in her highschool days but not really her college days because she was studying to become a neurosurgeon so she was to busy to have fun because of her studies.

I was sitting outside in the shed when my phone rang. My mom ended up getting me a phone earlier then expected because of how much I'm out and about with my friend's. I pick up my phone and see that it's Nate calling me. I hit accept and put the phone to my ear and say "Hey what's up?". "Hey Care, I was wondering if we're still picking you up later for the cookout?" Nate says. I can hear him in a car. "Yeah of course I've missed your parents cookouts.". I can hear him telling his dad that I'm still coming over and then he says "Okay well we just have to go to the store real quick to grab some stuff then we'll come and get y'all". "Y'all?" I said confused. "Yeah, I called Stefan and Colton a few days ago and asked if they wanted to come. I consider them my friends now too, they didn't tell you?.". I sit up and say "No, they didn't tell me at all, I mean Stefan didn't tell me at least. Colton has been gone all month on a fishing trip with his family." . "Oh, well yeah they're coming over and they're staying over for the sleepover over too if that's okay?". "Yeah, of course I don't care." I said standing up. "Okay great I'll see you in a few love you bye bye", "Love you too bye bye" I said before hanging up the phone. Great now I have to repack so stuff now knowing that Colton and Stefan will be there. Why didn't anyone tell me sooner. Now I'm nervous only because I haven't seen Colton since he confessed his feelings for me.

I was in my room when I heard a knock on my front door. I zipped up my bag that I was bringing with me and ran down the hallway to the front door. I opened the door and there's Stefan and Colton. "Oh hey guys, come in." I said opening the screen door. "Nate will be here shortly him and his dad had go to the store first.". They walked in Colton closed the screen door. "Oh okay" Stefan said. I hit Stefans arm and said "Why didn't you tell me you and Colton were coming to the cookout too?.". Stefan rubbed his arm where I hit him and said "I don't know I guess it just didn't come up". "What do you not want us to come?." Colton asked sitting down on the couch. Suddenly I felt nervous, I mean I haven't seen Colton since that night. "No that's not it at all, I just would have liked to know is all." I said crossing my arms. I'm looking at him and noticed that he got a tan but also some sunburn on his face. Stefan sat his bag down on the floor and said "Well I'm ready to go Nate told me he has a pool.". I sit down in the chair and say "Yeah, I will be nice to not swim in that nasty lake water for once." Before Stefan sat down we heard a car horn go off. "That must be them." Colton said getting up. "Yeah, imma go grab my bag." I said getting up and running down the hallway way to my bedroom. I grabbed my bag and ran back down the hallway and grabbed my house key so I could lock the house before I left but Colton was still standing by the door. "Here I'll take this." He said grabbing my bag from my hands. "Thank you.". We walk out of the screen door. He walks towards the car and I lock the house up and run down the stairs. "Care bear you're up front with me" uncle Jason said. I ran to the passenger door and sat down and closed the door. "How come she gets to sit up front?" Nate said jealous. "Because she's a girl and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to get stuck back there with some smelly boys." He said smiling and winking at me. I laughed a little bit then. "Colton and I don't stink, Stefan on the other hand." Nate said plugging his nose. Stefan punched Nate in the arm and said "I don't stink!."

We finally arrived at the Miller's house. I was so glad that they got their old house back I love this house. I walk into the kitchen to see aunt Ang making lemonade. "Oh Hey Care Bear" she said putting sliced lemons in the lemonade pitcher. "Hi Aunt Ang." I said walking over to her and giving her a hug. "You're room will be the guest room I can show you where it is if you want." I let her go and pick up my bag and say "Oh no I remember where it is, thank you though.". I walk up the stairs to the guest room. I open the door and then I can hear all the boys running up the stairs like a herd of elephants. I shake my head and walk in to the room and put my bag on the bed. I took off my shoes and walked out of the room and started walking down stairs. "Hey Care come here." Nate said poking his head out of his doorway. I walk to Nate's room and say "Yeah what's up?". "Here look at this." Nate says handing me a snow globe. It had a great white shark in it. "Where did you get this?." I asked him shaking it and placing it down on his desk. "When we were in Florida." He said sitting down on his bed. "Dude what up with all these books?" Colton said poking at the books on the shelf. I walk over to shelf next to Colton and started looking at the books and said "So you're still obsessed with the sea life huh?". "Yep, I love it man". "KIDS COME OUTSIDE!" Uncle Jason yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "COMING DAD!" Nate yelled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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