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Water on the windows from the earlier days' rain began to freeze with the final fading of daylight and the now falling snow. Master Goldmoon and Faine paced the corridors of the manor with a gaunt coyote trailing behind. They reached a room were a servant opened the door for them and they stepped out onto a large balcony.

At the edge of the balcony, Faine brushed the snow off the marble banister before leaning against it. Heat spewed up from below where the forge resided being worked by two slave men and a servant. They worked tirelessly to craft all the metal objects used around the manor as well as several tools forged to go out to the fields.

"You know I mean nothing by such threats," Sil said. "At the moment, there is no suitable match, and I won't be sending you to some lowly house. You can do far more for us here."

"What of my brothers?" Faine asked. Being Sil's only daughter, she had a spot close to his heart and close to his truths.

"I'm sending Maul and Balfor to Storm's Castle," Sil said as he too watched the men working the fire to make it hotter. "It's been ages since I've spoken with the scientist, I'm not even sure if he's alive, so they'll checking in on our mad friend."

"He's probably blown himself up," Faine said. "What've Jest?"

"He'll be going to Bloodgate Manor, and you'll be accompanying him. No one from the Bloodgate family made a presence at the gathering. I'd like for the two of you to learn why they didn't bother."

"Why me?" Faine protested.

"Jest is wise, but impulsive. You're calm and polite, so I believe you two will make good companions when approaching the Bloodgates."

"But I'd rather go check on the scientist," Faine said. "Maul and Balfor always get easier duties."

"That should say something honorable to you," Sil said. "Go to Bloodgate Manor and do so politely. Last thing we want is to be the cause of this war."

"Is it really almost a war?" She asked.

"Yes, Direwings and Darkhearts have been secretly killing each other for months, and we're mysteriously missing livestock and slaves."

She nodded to him, and he slipped away back into the manor. For a while, she stood in the gentle snowfall, but then she entered behind her father. She made sure he'd left the area, before descending to the basement. She passed the servants quarter before reaching the storage rooms and entered a long hall unlit by any lanterns. Through the shadows, she crept into a room where she silently shut the door.

The room continued empty barrels and a rug which she tossed to the side to reveal a trapdoor. Firelight greeted her when she opened the trapdoor and slipped in. Maul resided in the small room underneath the manor along with a naked man chained by his wrist from the ceiling and by his ankles to the floor. It was an older man, one who'd worked in their forge for a few ages.

"Father, wasn't suspicious of the missing blacksmith?" Maul asked.

"Not at all," Faine said. "He's sending you and Balfor to Ludvagh while Jest and I are going to Bloodgate Manor."

"Ludvagh?" Maul spat. "What a vile creature. Why does father favor you so? It's I who should be his confidant and it should be me going to Bloodgate."

"I'd rather it be you too," she said as she stepped closer to the chained man, his eyes dropped and focused on the floor. Faine lifted the man's head up by the chin and forced him to look at her. "There's something so much sweeter about eating an animal that looks back at you."

"You're a monster," the man said just as Faine pulled his head to the side and bit into the bent portion of his neck. He tried to wail, but Maul clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Give me some heads-up next time," Maul said.

"There's not going to be a next time," Faine said after pulling herself away with bloodstained lips. Maul bit into the man as he drew his fine breaths. "There's not enough slaves to slip into the shadows anymore."

"Guess you're back to eating lamb while I get to feast at Ludvagh's, he's usually got a fresh supply around for his tests," Maul said.

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