chapter 2.

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Doesn't even know that your favorite flowers are peonies.

-luke's pov-

-What are you doing here? I thought we were past this whole scaring me thing.- She says, with a smile on her face. I gotta admit, it's the prettiest smile I've ever seen. That doesn't mean anything though.

-Sorry, that wasn't my intention. I just came to check on you. Alex went looking for Willie to know more about what is happening to us, and Reggie mentioned something about a puppy. And I'm kind of having writer's block, so I came to see if you were doing anything so that you could come and help me, since, you know, you make me a better writer.- I said, very fast. Am I blushing? We both admitted this to each other a few days ago, why is it such a big deal?- But, instead, I find you with that dude who doesn't even know you for real.

-Oh come on, don't be mean to him, he was just trying to be nice.- Julie says, smiling again.

-Since I know you, I went out and got you something I know you love. – I showed her the 3 peonies I was hiding behind my back.- It's one for each of us, to thank you for everything you've done for us. It means a lot to us, Julie. You mean a lot to us, Julie.- I say, grabbing her hand.

-Well, I guess you do know me- She laughs, immediately placing the roses on the table.- Thank you, Luke, you also mean a lot to me.- She blushes while still holding my hand.- I mean- Not you- The band- You know what I mean right?

I laugh and say:

-Of course Jules.- Even though it kind of hurt, she's admitting she doesn't feel the same way I do. Wait what? What am I saying? My relationship with Julie is extremely platonic. I'm a ghost, for god's sake.- Hey, do you wanna go down to the studio?

-Yeah, of course, let me just put these in water and grab my homework and I'll meet you there.- She says while still holding my hand. We were looking at each other smiling and holding our hands for what felt at least a minute until Alex poofed in, and we separated

-Hey, what are you guys up to? – He says, looking at us suspiciously.

-Nothing- I say, annoyed and rolling my eyes because he just ruined our moment.

-We were just about to go to the studio to write some music.- Julie says, blushing.- Wanna join us?

-Yeah, sure, ok. But first, we've got to talk. I was with Willie and he told me a couple of things that left me a bit worried, and you guys know I don't handle worry well. Where's Reg?- Alex explained, troubled.

-We don't know. Luke said he was talking about something to do with a puppy? – Julie asked, looking at me after speaking in confirmation

-Yeah, I didn't understand what though.- I stuttered, lost in her gaze.

-Oh god don't tell me he...

Alex is interrupted by the wooshing sound of a phantom poofing on the porch. It's Reggie. He opens the door and leaves it open.

-Oh hey guys, look at what I found!!!- Reggie says in excitement, with a small dog in his hand. Now, where did he find it, and what will we do with it? I frowned.

-Reggie!- Julie yells.- ARE YOU CRAZY? I can't have a dog in my house! Especially one that just appeared out of nowhere! How am I gonna explain that to my dad?

-Relax Julie. He's my responsibility, you don't have to worry about him. – He said, as he was placing the dog on the floor. As soon as he did it, the dog ran as fast as he could through the door with no chance of getting caught by Reggie.- Hey Bobby, come here!!!

-Well, I guess he's no one's responsibility now.- I said, and Julie let out a throaty laugh. I could hear that laugh all day.- Reg, did you steal him? And did you name him after Bobby?

-Well, it was the first name that came to mind...-Reg explained.

We all laughed.

-Okay, now, we really have to talk. Let's go to the studio.- Alex looked troubled again, which also left me worried.

In the studio, Julie sat next to me on my couch, and I subconsciously, without even noticing put my arm around her. She didn't say anything so I didn't move it. I got some eye rolls from Alex though. He says I finally have to admit my feelings for her because she probably feels the same way, but I highly doubt it. I'm a ghost, for Christ's sake. (can I even say that?) I have nothing to give her, and we could never be together for real. So, I just have to pull myself together and let these feelings be one-sided until they don't exist anymore. I can't let Julie fall for me and then give her nothing, I could never do that to her. So, I took my arm off her shoulders, and, to my surprise, she gasped and looked at me disappointed. I can't let her get hurt.

-So, guys, I spoke to Willie, and he says he would look into our situation, but he told me something that worried me for real.-Alex said.

-Bro just tell us, you're so nervous you're almost making me nervous. – I said. I hate it when he does this, and project his anxiety into us. He doesn't do it on purpose, it just happens.

-I... I learned that Caleb can possess people by taking their souls and projecting himself into them, and that,... um, he hasn't been seen since the night we played the Orpheum.- Alex hesitated.

-author's note-

heyyyy friendssss

hope you liked this chapter

i gotta make luke and julie difficult for each other cuz otherwise it wouldn't be them

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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