The Blue Sun

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**Bayley's pov**

It was 3 a.m. when I woke up that night. I don't know what noise jolted me awake, but my eyes were soon disturbed by some cyan lights. They were coming from outside, inflitrating my room and stealing my peace like little thieves from in-between the mauve curtains. I was quite dazed for a split second, as all that light came in. Within a couple of seconds, it dimmed significantly. Was the police outside? I heard no sirens once awake, and the window of my bedroom didn't face the street. I started to get a bad feeling in my stomach. I canNOT just ignore a blinding blue light that randomly spawned in my backyard. I couldn't even think straight, out of the sleepiness I was feeling and unpredictability of my awakening. Almost automatically, I sat up and slowly slid my slippers on, in a sluggish state. I found my plum robe, and messily put it over the light, scrunched up pajama. I blew some air with my mouth, to move some rebellious hair that fell out of the atrocious bun I usually put my hair up in at night. The muffled taps of the soft slippers down the short corridor of my house stopped once I reached the living room.

A noise came to my ears: the goofy cling-clang of metal ... was someone trying to break in??? The french window that faced the yard was obscured by the same mauve fabric. But this time, it seemed that no blue lights stained the pretty curtains. Some more rumbling. I felt the fight-or-flight kick in. Whoever it was outside, had no idea I knew they were there. But I was gonna give 'em hell if they represented a threat to my peaceful night of sleep.

I decided I needed something to protect myself, as a precautionary measure. I turned towards the cupboard, that faced the couch a couple of feet away. I had always been proud of that little open space between my living room and the kitchen.

I took up a velvety and silent, almost cat-like walk to get a pan and a knife, paying extra attention not to let the scratching of the utensils get too loud, as I took them out of their candid drawers. Once I had acquired my tools, I turned back towards the source of my worries.

I gathered all my courage, despite looking like a kid playing knight with my foolish weapons. As my mind was in a frenzy of paranoid thoughts, I started to get closer and closer to the window.

Then, in a rapid motion, I swung it fully open.

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