Chapter One

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never in a million years would i have thought that i'd be sharing my bed with a stranger.

he smells like cologne and i smell like alcohol. i got completely wasted last night.

i can't stop staring at him.

the first time i laid eyes on him last night, my heart fluttered. butterflies stir in my stomach as i reminisce on the events that lead up to this moment.

i was at a party. my friends were somewhere dancing on the dance floor or getting fucked in the bathroom.

no one ever said they were classy, but i thought joining them for the night would be good, since i basically locked myself away for the past few months.

they said it would be fun. that i needed to "let loose a little".

so there i was, my third drink being handed to me at the bar. the music was so loud, and i was starting to get hot from the alcohol. i sip at my drink, debating on paying the tab and just leaving. but when i turned around to grab my purse, my eyes found him.

he was dancing with a girl, but what made him stand out was the way he was dancing. it was so easy to him, his eyes were closed and he threw his head back as if he were the only one in the room.

the girl he was dancing with was taller than me, she had on a sexy red outfit. she was beautiful, stunning even. her long black hair shimmered in the darkness, reflecting the club lights as they flickered and spun around.

i watched him as i grabbed a bar stool and sat at the bar. i couldn't help myself. he definitely had my full attention, i didn't even notice how long i was staring until air came through my straw. i had finished my third drink.

i turned around to set the empty glass on the counter and turned back to see what dance he had saved up his sleeve for the slow dance song that just came on. but when i turned to find him, his eyes found me.

my eyes widened, i didn't know if he was looking at me or something around me. i held his gaze as the girl wrapped her arms around his shoulders. she pulled him close to her as they slow danced together. his eyes were so dark and he was so handsome, my face started to get flushed.

i shook my head slightly, what am i doing?

i turn back around at the bar and instead of paying the tab, i asked for another drink. the bar tender, who was halfass drying a glass, nodded and started making me another drink.

i sigh as he slides it over to me.

"how many drinks are you gonna drink tonight?"

i hear someone ask as i started drinking. i thought it was the bar tender minding my business but i was wrong. it was him.

he had made his way over to the bar and was standing beside me, inches from me. i looked at him, and then looked towards the dance floor for the girl he was with, but she's gone.

i squint my eyes at him, "you didn't wanna d-dance anymore?" i stutter and realize how drunk i am.

"nah, i don't slow dance." he laughs. "why don't i get you a water?"

he waves to the bar tender, "can i get a water please?"

i shut my eyes and shake my head at him, "why? i don't need a water. i could drink three more and b-be okay."

he looks at me and frowns, "i think you reached your limit."

i laugh, probably because i found him rather cocky, or probably because i was drunk.

"i think you're wrong." i hold my glass up almost as if i'm making a toast and take another sip.

he reaches over and takes my glass, "i'll swap you. i'll drink the rest of your drink and you can have this water." he smiles and hands me the water he got from the bar tender.

i look at the glass of water and then back at him. he raises an eyebrow at my hesitation and proceeds to take a drink from what was originally my drink.

"what made you t-think you could come over here and take a strangers drink away from her?" i ask.

he swallows and sets the drink down, "i thought it would be okay considering this stranger is very beautiful and she seems to like watching me dance." he shrugs, taking in a breath, "and besides, strangers are only strangers until they become better acquainted."

i blush. he knew i was watching him dance? obviously he saw me towards the end, but i know he wasn't watching me watch him before then. or did he glance toward me when i wasn't looking?

"i-i'm sorry i think i'm gonna th-throw up." i stutter and stand up, rushing for the front door. my head is spinning, i don't even know how my feet are going, but they're cooperating. i throw up on the curb. i hate drinking because i almost always get sick.

i feel a hand touch my back and rub it softly as i throw up again. i'm sure i look a mess, hunched over throwing up. thankfully my hair is pulled back so it doesn't get into it. i catch my breath and wipe my mouth with my hand as i stand up. "do you need help getting home?"

i turn and see him standing behind me. my head feels like it could explode. i shake my head, "m-my friends-" i point towards the club. "my friends are here."

he holds out his hand, "let's get you back inside and we can find your friends then."

i grab ahold of his hand and stumble. i gasp, and we both reach for each other. he holds me close to him as we walk back inside.

"do you have your phone? you should text your friends." he suggests, helping me sit down at the bar again.

i nod, pulling my phone out of my pocket. the screen turns on and i see three notifications, all from my friends.

10:38pm - Kimberly: "Heyy girl so sorry I left early, see if Sydney can take you home"

10:57pm - Sydney: "eeeeee !! courtney met a guy and he has a friend, so guess who might be getting lucky tonight !!"

11:01pm - Courtney: "i thibk im in lobe girl"

"fuck." i say.

he looks at me, concerned, "what's wrong?"

i laugh, and my head falls back, "my friends left me."

kimberly brought me here, if i had known she was leaving early, i would've went with her.

i sigh loudly, "i-i'm so drunk and now i gotta catch a taxi."

"i'll just take you home." he says. his voice bringing me back into my body. i look at him and find him looking back at me.

"no, i c-couldn't ask you to d-do that." my words slur together.

"come on, let's get out of here." he stands up and holds his hand out.

i dont know why, but i stood up and took his hand in mine.

i don't know why he was being so nice to me. maybe he didn't want to see someone else try to take advantage of me. maybe he didn't want me to be alone, as drunk as i was.

but everything in me was telling me to go with him.

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