Chapter Two

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the sun rises a little higher in the sky shining more light into the room. after spending nearly half an hour laying here awake by myself, the man finally stirs in the bed. he rubs his tired eyes and then looks at me still laying beside him.

"good morning." he whispers.

"good morning." i whisper back.

i'm not sure what all happened after leaving the club last night. in fact, i don't remember the rest of the night at all. i don't remember if we took his car or got a lift. i don't remember giving the directions to my apartment. hell, i don't even remember getting to my apartment.

his voice is calm, "so, about last night..."

i watch him as he props himself up on his elbow, leaning towards me, "i didn't ever catch your name?"

funny, i was just thinking the exact same thing.

"it's jasmine." i say, tucking away hair behind my ear. i probably looked like shit, especially considering i'm still in the clothes from the club last night. he, however, looked even more attractive now than he did last night. maybe because i'm seeing him in better lighting.

"jasmine." he repeats my name. "like the disney princess?"

i laugh, "yeah. what's your name?"

he laughs too and shrugs, "damn, you don't even remember my name." he smiles at me, "you were saying it a lot last night."

my eyes widen, "excuse me?" i look at him, puzzled. what did i do last night?

he laughs harder now, "calm down, you just kept telling me to come back. you were begging me not to leave you last night. you don't remember?"

i shake my head slowly, "no?"

"angel, please don't leave me. angel, please stay." he mocks me jokingly. "doesn't ring a bell?"

"no, and i don't sound that pathetic." i laugh at his impression of me.

angel nods, "you do when you're drunk."

suddenly, angel's phone rings and he reaches for it on the nightstand. "shit!" he hastily gets out of bed.

"shit! shit! shit! shit!" angel curses repeatedly, putting his shoes on as he declines the call.

i sit up, "what's the matter angel?" i watch him as he gets up and heads for the bedroom door.

"i have to pick someone up from the airport, i forgot to set an alarm." he throws on his jacket quickly, then pauses to look at me.

"jasmine-" he cut himself off, letting my name linger in the room.

"angel." i say.

he shoves his phone in his pocket, "we aren't strangers anymore, right?"

i shake my head, "nope, i guess not."

"perfect, i'll leave my number on the way out. you should call me sometime." angel gives me a brief smile before turning around and leaving.

a minute passes and then i hear the front door shut.

you should call me sometime? what does he even mean by that? call him today, tomorrow, next week, next month? or never?

he left in such a rush that i was completely confused. not sure what to think about the whole thing, i get out of bed and go into the bathroom.

i look in the mirror at myself. my long brown hair was frizzy and in a mess. my eyes made my whole face look exhausted, which makes sense since i've been mostly crying these past few months.

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