Chapter One

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Jack's POV

I woke up feeling dazed and confused, outside a convenience store. I stood up trying to remember what happened. Suddenly, I notice someone passing by me.


I call out to them with a polite smile, waving.

"I need some help. Do you know where we are right now?"

I ask though I didn't know them, raising an eyebrow and tilting my head slightly to the side.

"Yeah we are about five minutes from the nearest big town. Are you okay?" She said.

I was about to ask again if she could help me, but I seemed to have caught them off guard. I didn't want to come off as rude so I kept quiet and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to get back to my friends." 

I spoke up after a beat of silence had passed between us. My eyebrows seemed to narrow as I looked up to them. I seemed to find myself having trouble remembering who my friends were, but I kept the information to myself. I didn't want to seem like a freak.

"Do you know how to get to their house from here? I could drive you."

Her response caught me off guard. I didn't expect her to be so nice. Especially to a stranger.

I tried to remember where my friends lived or if I even knew for that matter, but nothing came to my mind, at least not at the moment. The information was stored so deep into my mind that I didn't know I had forgotten.

"Uhh... I'm not too sure. I mean.... are you busy? Would it be okay if I asked you to help me with something?.... I'm sorry for sounding so awkward."

"Oh sugar you're fine. Everybody's a little awkward sometimes, right?"

I smiled softly from her kindness. I liked how she was treating me like a person instead of a mess. It put my mind at ease. I could tell she was a good person from the way she spoke and her soft e/c eyes. She seemed trustworthy and caring. I was lucky to bump into her.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. So, you don't mind helping me?"

"Not at all. My cars parked over here"

I followed behind her a short distance, my arms at my side folded together. My legs moved in a rhythmic pace. I couldn't help but notice that she walked with such grace and elegance that I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Do you mind if I ask you your name? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"My names Y/n. Most people call me Y/n/n."

I smiled from her answer, it was a nice name for a nice individual. I couldn't help feeling a little bad for not being able to remember anything. I tried to remember things like my name, age, where I was from, etc, but nothing came to mind. Only blank.

"It's nice to meet you Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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