Hello new life!!

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Jays pov

"Hey Delilah, do you want to help me make a invention" I called to my sister hoping for a yes. "Sure bro, let me just get my shoes on" Delilah said walking to the door to put on her shoes.

"Ma! Me And de-de are going to make a invention. We'll be back by dinner!" I tell to mom for me and Delilah. "Ok sweety, make sure your back by dinner. I'm making your favorite!" "Ok ma! See you then!" I yell back "you know I hate it when you call me De-De" Delilah sasses as we walk to make whatever. "Yeah I know, that's why I do it." I say, while chuckling, and Delilah sighs and crosses her arms.

"Whatever. What are we making anyways" Delilah asks, pushing the other thing aside.

"Ahhhh maybe wings so we can fly? That would be cool." I say going to a pile of trash, while Delilah shrugs and picks up a piece of scrap of metal.

I'm glad she's my sister. she's so forgiving, and calm. And she's kind, and caring. But she's still confident in her self, and funny. She's just, I don't think words can describe how greatful i am to have her as a sister.

"Sure, why not. Sounds like fun" Delilah says smiling down at me, like I'm a toddler. "I'm older than you. Why are you treating me like a toddler, De-De." I say standing, as Delilah gives me a stink eye.

"Whatever, lets just build your wings" she responds sighing.

3 hrs later

Delilah's pov

"I can't believe you convinced me to climb all the way up a buliding. And where do you plan on flying to? The build-board over there" I complain pointing at the build-board I was talking about.

"Yeah, why not" Jay says shrugging, as he begins to fly to said build-board, as I follow behind.

"Ahh" Jay yells crashing, as I land over the build-board going over to Jay.

"Jay, are you ok?" I say rushing over to him making sure he was ok.

"That's it! I've had it! You piece of useless, broken, junk!" He sighs "it's impossible!"Jay says totally ignoring my question.

"Is it?" A random old man said, slurping his tea "or are we only confined by the walls we built our self." The random old man says, as a paper bird flys away.

"Who are you?" Me and Jay said at the same time "a dreamer, like you both. Attempting the impossible. Care to join" old man says.

Jay and I smile brightly, and excited. But then I realize, "wait what is your name? I don't even know you?" I say "ah yes. You don't. I'm Wu, you are?" He says pointing at me and Jay.

"I'm Delilah, and thats my idiot brother Jay" I say holding back a chuckle. "Hey! Ya know what, you can call her De-De. She loves that" Jay says, as I hit his arm softly.

"Delilah. Sounds like a flower. And Jay sounds like a bird. That's very nice." Wu responds back. "Well, you two are probably wondering why I am here. You two carry a divine power in you. I will give you two hours to decide if you want to come or not. You may respond now, but please do quickly, I have places to be" Wu says.

"Heck yeah! I would love to come! Come on Lilah say yes, please!" Jay says giving me the puppy face.

I sigh. "Ok. As long as mom and dad say yes." Jay jumps up and down, before smiling and saying his 'thank you'.

"Since you have both said yes, I will take you with me now, if thats ok. I have already asked your mom and dad, and their response was a yes." Wu says.

"Wait, were not aloud to pack or anything?" I ask.

"I have already gotten everything you could need, but you could bring a phone and charger. Although I already have chargers for you both" Wu says smiling warmly.

I sigh. "Ok Jay, let's go" I say as we walk with Wu to his 'monistary' apparently.

2 hrs later

Jays pov

Im so happy that Delilah said yes! I don't think I would've went without her, even if she is younger than me.

"So you guys can settle in. Delilah, since you are a girl, and we respect your privacy, you get your own room. You can do whatever you want to it. Jay, you are sharing with 2 others that also hold power." Wu explains.

I huff and throw my hands up In the air. "Why does she get her own room? I should too!" I exclaim. "As I just explained, she is a girl who needs privacy. If another girl comes, they will share with her. Simple" Wu says, as Delilah chuckles, and gives me the tongue.

"Whatever" I mumble looking the other way.

"Delilah your room is right there, across from Jay and the others. Jay your right there. The others are in there, so Delilah you should probably introduce your self before you get settled in" Wu explains to me and Delilah.

Delilah hums and nods, as I nod. Delilah nocks on the door, and one boy screams from the other side to come in.

I open the door, slowly and me and Delilah walk in.

"Who are you?" The one in black says "uh, I'm Delilah, and that's Jay" Delilah says pointing at me and her self.

"Oh ok. Well why are you here" the one in black asks again.

"Ughhhh I don't know. Something about holding divine power?" I respond, as Delilah shakes her head.

The one in black smiles while the one in white speaks up "ah yes Master Wu as told us about that too. Well I'm Zane and thats Cole" he explains while pointing at Cole.

"Hey" he says waving.

Delilah smiles and I wave. "Ok, well why don't you guys get cozy, we don't bite." Cole says I nod my head but Delilah speaks up "I have my own room, but I'll stay for a little while." She says smiling as we sit down next to the others.


I know really short, but hey atleast I tried right! Also I think I'm getting myself too busy with the one shots and the Kaixreader and now the ocxreader? Let's just say I'm gonna have a lot of sleepless nights lol. Anyways see ya next time byeee!!

Words: 1091

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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