chris pratt

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suki suki suki they go then they die then they wake up then they are greeted by the famous actor chris pratt it was a nightmare. he says why was there orange smoothie all over the floor. and he is like we were just doing the funni y know. and hes just like reasonable. and then he is like why is that black creature over there so ugly then eddie says i am red eye proposition 100 dollar made to order cast. then they hit an emote then chris pratt says it is me mayro then they go to a treehouse that chris made then they did celebrity truth or dare and they made the red people explode yellow propsition. then they see a metal blue figure in the distance quickly making its way over to them and they are like uhh and then the bkue figure grabs chris pratt by the neck and breaks his grab by the neck. then they both run away and oracle. then the blue figure chases them then they both get caught and die then the rowley jefferson man metal comes and grabs them again  and then rowley jefferson and then the metal thing explodes because he saw the face of eddie plush then the day is saved.

zato-27 x made to order eddie plush doll smut storyWhere stories live. Discover now