this is nice

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He didn't know how long he had been watching him there or how long it had been until Nail caught his attention.

"Hey!! Hey!! Hello??" With half-lidded eyes, Mango would keep his gaze fixed on that certain person while acknowledging Nail.

"Hm? Yeah?" His finger matted the grass below him as his mind again strayed further from the present situation. Nail would then decide to block his view, despite his smaller stature.

"Nail--?" He would finally break out of that daze, while Nail was fed up. "Hey, I've been trying to get your attention for, like, 10 minutes!!" Mango waved his hand dismissively, looking down at him still. He didn't say anything but waited for Nail to continue. "What are you even doing?!" His high-pitched voice sometimes made it hard to relax, but Mango had grown a special place in his heart for him, which didn't come naturally. Nail has become somewhat of a son to him ever since they got here.

"Um, isn't it obvious, dear?"

No, to the outsider, it was not obvious; he had a hard time being obvious. Crossing his arms, Nail sat next to him to try and see what caught his attention. Attempting to make his eyes meet the same level.

"What are we looking at?" He couldn't possibly tell what it would be—the grass? The trees? Why would Mango care about those things? The..

Now it felt obvious as he spotted Sharkbearberry, their friend!
"Ohh, we're stalking our friends." A statement so blunt Mango was brought back to reality. "Wha- what no. Nail, I'm just..." What was he doing? Admiring? That sounds too high standing of a word for this situation. Well, stalking wasn't the right word either, He just wanted to observe the guy.

"So we are stalking him?" Nail has not had very good influences if he would equate this to stalking. But he was right; if Mango wanted to talk to SBB, why didn't he? He wasn't afraid or intimidated.
"No, we're actually going to see him right now." Nail nodded as Mango stood up. Nail would signal wanting to be carried, which Mango obliged, even if both of them knew he could walk the short distance just fine on his own. Nail liked the parental attention, and Mango didn't mind having someone to be around either. And to an extent, Sharkbearberry—the person who had so viciously caught all of Mango's attention this afternoon—was part of that, possibly more than he would realize.

Mango had found himself wanting to be around the brit, to annoy him or prod him for answers to useless questions.

His eyes narrowed as he saw Sharkbearberry talking to another contestant, hoping they'd leave when he got there.

Mango would tread carefully, trying not to disturb him in his natural habitat. He.. was humming to himself. Or maybe mummbling quietly? Mango couldn't be sure, but he walked nearly close enough when Sharkbearberry turned his head, snapping his vision at Mango. With Nail in clutch, the fruit would sit beside the bear.. thing, observing him.

"Aghh, yes?" Mango felt a small sting of disappointment hearing the other's immediate hostility, but stayed quiet as Nail shrugged and struck up a conversation with SBB.

Mango observed some more, looking at whatever SBB was doing. Oh, no surprises here; he was drawing.


Mango readjusted his position, trying to inch closer. Sharkbearberry inched just as far back; they hadn't changed.

As Nail's conversation with him died down, Mango would chime in with a simple question. "What are you doing?" He asked innocently, but Sharkbearberry kept his suspicions high. Explaining himself in a vague manner, maybe to bore the other or drive him away. "Drawing." Plain and simple—how disappointing.

"..can" Mango paused, thinking over his idea, additionally studying SBB's face for any trace of interest—nothing. But no matter, he'd continue. "Can you draw me?" another innocent question. Before answering, Sharkbearberry would remember the question over again checking the wording for any traps or weird, annoying catches. "Seriously?" His eyes glanced up, meeting the fruit's.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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