~System changes~

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Half an hour later,Sun finished cleaning the last barrel.He was tired,and realized he had to charge..But then he remembered that Moon wanted to talk to him,and he knows how...Mad Moon was....Sun was unsure... should he try to avoid the conversation with Moon? If he quickly goes into his room,and charges,he could avoid Moon...But would that make Moon more Mad?...

     Sun decided to make a run for it,and
    rushed into his own room, quickly closing
the door behind him.He catched his breath,until he heard footsteps nearby.Moon was probably searching for him.Sun went to his charging station with quiet and small steps,as a weird feeling crossed his mind ..
  A feeling he didn't understood...Was he
    that tired?Or was it something else?..
      He shrugged it off for now,and plugged himself into the charging station, powering himself off...The footsteps outside were still present.

Moon:"Sun? Suuun??! Where the hell are you? Don't tell me you are hiding from me now!"

Moon yelled, clearly mad,but also damn worried about Sun..He checked the security desk,the play structures, outside the daycare,the ball pit...he was starting to worry,until he decided to check Sun's room.

Moon sighed,and then decided to knock first,since he didn't want to startle Sun,nor did Moon want to be in any way similar to his old self.After a few minutes though,with no responses from Sun,Moon gently opened the door, peaking through.He saw Sun on the charging Station, powered off.Moon sighed heavily..what should he do now?Wait?... Probably...But it will definitely take a while...A few hours.... ..... .....

Moon had a thought,one he liked,but also not liked ...He wanted to check Sun's systems,Incase something is maybe wrong there...Another Eclipse is not wanted*cough* *cough*....
Moon tiptoed over to Sun,and gently moved him, making the back of his head accessable.Moon immediately noticed how the wires were different than how they usually look like.Some were moved, differently plugged in,yet,some wires he has never seen before...This isn't normal...Did Sun do this? No...why would he? What's the use of it? Sun isn't good with those things...

Moon was now even more worried...what if someone changed those wires? Is that why Sun is acting so strange?Moon didn't think of Sun's mental health,nor state...He was now thinking that it's the system's fault...so...he changed the wires,and put them on their original and right spot...

        After maybe 2 hours or more...             

Moon was done with the changes,and saw that Sun had now 50%...Sun never charges full...He didn't really care about the consequences of being low on power..Moon decided to leave the room,but watched from afar.While stepping out,he saw Solar by the security desk...He needs to talk to him later... definitely...

Once Moon was hid,he waited,and just as he thought...Sun powered back on,with an relieved expression

Sun:"I got away from him, atleast I think...I knew I was smart!"

He mumbled to himself,as he then noticed a weird feeling in his head.He just ignored it though, couldn't be bad,right? Just as he was about to leave his room,Moon stepped out of his hiding spot, standing right Infront of Sun, stopping him from leaving.Moon also grabbed Sun's wrist, making sure he couldn't get away

Moon:"Don't even try....to escape...I....want... answers... NOW!"

Sun's eyes widened,and he tried to pry Moon's hand off,but failed miserably.He was clearly scared,but that soon faded away,and turned into anger

Sun:"what? What do you want? Knowing why I'm acting weird? There's nothing wrong with me,I don't know what your problem is,but I'm PISSED!"

Sun growled,he was annoyed,which made Moon gasp in surprise.Sun usually never yells,nor is he pissed....that's a rare one...

Moon:"Sun...I only want the best for you... you've been acting different,ever since Eclipse returned...Is that it? Are you mad,sad, scared, because of him? Please....talk to me...I just want to know what's wrong..."

Sun calmed down a bit,and sighed heavily...he looked away for a moment,and then back to Moon.he was about to say something,but then stopped himself...he felt something rush through his body,like an electric shock...He collapsed to his knees, making Moon immediately worried.He kneeled down,let go of Sun's wrist,and looked him into the eyes...or...the eye..(Sun has one eye covered,you can see that in the drawing in the last chapter).

Moon:"SUN?hey hey hey,Buddy...Sunny... what's wrong? Look at me!! What's wrong??"

Sun was breathing heavily,and was holding his head,in pain and confusion

Sun:"I-I don't know w-whats wrong!! This -I-I...I ...='°b no no ...I don't understand?!!"

Sun was glitching,and it seemed like he had a strong panic attack,or even a breakdown...Moon was concerned and worried,and tried to calm him down...But it wasn't working...He called for the others,aka Solar,Lunar and Earth,since he knew the three were nearby...

What was wrong with Sun?

{882 Words! Woohoo!}

{882 Words! Woohoo!}

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