
117 4 24

TW: Child Abuse, Attempted Suicide, Sexual Assault

A tired Mason was performing in front of an audience, Mammon watches with a sinister grin.

♫ In the beginning you were oh so clear ♫

Mammon has a fake smile as he pats Mason on the head.

♫ It started out as something pure and sincere ♫

Mason struggles to stand as Mammon backhands him.

♫ but now I see, the evil within ♫

Mason looks at Cherri Bomb as an explosion illuminates her face.

♫ But I don't wanna be your clown again ♫

A uniform-less Mason stood in front of a mirror, his makeup running.

♫ No, I don't wanna live this triangle ♫

Mason, with a knife in his hand, rolls up his sleeves.

♫ I don't wanna be your clown now ♫

A crazed fan pins Mason against a wall as licked him, one of her hands on his crotch.

♫ Cause I long to carry on ♫

Beelzebub flies through the air as Mason watches in amazement. Cherri Bomb looks at him and smiles.

♫ No, I don't wanna be your clown again ♫

Beelzebub lifts up Mason, almost throwing him into the air.

♫ No, I don't wanna live this triangle ♫

Mason spreads his wings, although they were rather crooked.

♫ I don't wanna live your life girl ♫

Mason was flying around an arena, holding into Fizzarolli, they were both singing.

♫ Cause I long to carry on ♫

Cherri Bomb put her forehead against Mason's as she wiped his tears

The Angel From Hell: Son of Mammon Au

Cherri Bomb: You can do this.
Mason: I can do this. You ready, Fizz?
Fizzarolli: Ready as I'll ever be! This performance has been a long time coming, buddy.

The Angel from Hell (Son of Mammon Au)Where stories live. Discover now