the start of the new mission

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Mash: hey orter! Are you ready for the mission?
Orter: mhm. So where's the place?
Mash: at roan kingdom...
Orter: I see..
Mash: I should teleport both of us now...

Mash: now where is he.. HEY CALE!
cale: oh mash.. what are you doing here?
Mash: uki said that I have a mission here.
Cale: yes and who's this guy? Is he your bf?
Mash: no!
Choi: cale nim who are they?
Cale: oh This is mash and this is orter....also what kind of mission did uki gave to you?
Mash: well it's kinda like about-
Cale: white star.
Mash: yeah white star.
Cale: no! He's here!
Mash: what?!
White star: it's a pleasure meeting you again..cale...
Orter: why is he floating even tho he has no mark?
Cale: there's no time for that!
Mash: do you want me to use my-
Cale: no! I will use mine! I didn't use it for a year y'know..
Raon: human you have a wings?!
Choi: cale nim is it true?
Ron: young master you have a wings?
Eruhaben: wow...I didn't expect the unlucky bastard to have a wings..
White star: cale let me just remind you that-
Cale: FUCKING SHUT THE FUCKING HELL UP WHITE BITCH! *cale said it as his wing's became bigger*
Mash: woah cale...calm down...I know you want to kill him but...I think you should calm down I don't want you to use the.. dangerous ability...
Cale: sorry I just snapped..
Eruhaben: that wing's.... why is it 6? Isn't that supposed to be 2 only?
Uki: I think cale has 10 wing's..the 2 wing's are on cale head and the another 2 is on cale back..I wasn't able to count it since it only last a second when cale was so angry that time..
Dazai: it was 12 wing's...I prefer to don't make cale angry again..
Human: human is it true?
Choi: cale nim can you spread your wings?
Cale: *eye's twitching*
Dazai: ..hey...calm down...
White star: cale we need to talk.
Mash: you-
Cale: don't worry I Handel what do you want to talk about?
White star: about your mother
Mash: oh now he's getting on my nerve..
Cale: ..and why tho?
White star: I know that you and your mother and father are not blood relative cuz your the descendant of god of death and the other god..I just want to say that I'm the reason why you're mother died..
Cale: what?!
White star: yes you heard me,I understand your anger-
Cale: you don't understand my anger! If you did I would kill you right now Infront of these people...*as cale 12 wing's appread*
Uki: fuck! Dazai you better be ready!
Dazai: I know!
Cale: STARGAZER! Let's see if you understand my anger now... *Everything on cale appearance is now different..he has longer hair with a blue and purple hair..his outfit changed that same as u-san outfit..his eye color are now different..and cale wing's now have a color that is same to Lucifer from hazbin hotel*

Mash: fuck...interstellar space! I hope that stopped cale...but about white star..the way he said it is making me angry...uki can I kill white star?
Uki: no.
Cale: hey now that you mentioned it.. would you like to see your own blood? *As cale stabbed white star on the chest using the sword that god of death gaved to him*
White star: tch..I will-
Cale: you're wasting your breath... bitch..
Mash: cale! Oh no! Cale is about to pass out!
Choi han: got it! The didn't disappear...and the form...
Uki: this will be forever....
Mash:okay also why tf is my story becoming cale story?
Kana: hey you're breaking the fourth wall!
Mash: pretend that I didn't Said that!

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