Kane Lycadus: The start

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Kane Lycadus: The start

When Kane claimed that he had fallen in love with her at first sight, of course I scorned the idea, for how deep could such a love run?

Obviously not deeper than what we had, for ours was definitely not love at first sight.

Instead, we took our time, spent time together, before coming to words like love and—


A month into the first semester, with Kane barely aware of my name or existence, we got the fateful opportunity to sit next to each other when Kane was late to his favourite class. I wonder he didn't skip it totally. But if he had—

Mr Pascal cleared his throat pointedly. "You can sit right there, Kane. No need to go all the way to the back." I rolled my eyes at the high-handed order. Obviously he wanted to keep his favourite as close to him as he could. The poor, bristling bloke made his reluctant way to the empty seat beside me.

"What an asshole," I muttered underneath my breath, just a mere mumble that was not meant for anyone's ears.

The bored guy started up from the depths of the chair where he had sunk lazily. "What? Me or him?"

"Um—" that I stammered was only because I didn't think he'd hear me. I sure needed to up my whispering game. "Him, obviously."

"Sure?" He asked, dubious as to my allegiance to my own peers.

"Hey, I am never on their side," I replied, appropriately offended.

His lips twitched. "Their?"

I racked my brains and settled in all seriousness on, "Wardens."

He didn't call out my tame attempt, just sank back and made himself comfortable for the next hour. "As good a word as any to describe them."

"What would you use?"

"Something not fit for your ears."

I rolled my eyes. Fucking classic. "A chauvinist, are you?"

"Nah, just a gentleman."

"Jury's still out on that."

"I would be offended, but it's been two seconds."

"If that."

In the natural lull, I made an effort to concentrate on the class, fiddling with my fat book and lean pen, aware of someone's eyes following my every move. And it was Kane Lycadus too, so of course I was curious. Just a month and yet his reputation preceded him for sure, though it was more because he was so elusive rather than with infamous tales behind him. My eyes slid discreetly to my right.

His desk sat blank of anything at all, except for his folded palms, the sinews of which rippled attractively when he cracked his knuckles.

"That's a bad habit." I commented, giving up on being an inerrant pupil. Not in my blood, that.

"So it is. But well ingrained now for that to make a difference," he drawled as he continued with the cracking. "Any such irresistible habit of yours?"

Not expecting the question, I shrugged casually, "Not really. If I know something's bad for me, I tend to avoid it for my own good. I am selfish that way."

"Hmm." He watched me curiously. "Then you probably wouldn't respond well to an offer of friendship."

An offer of friendship from him, huh? That'd be something. I'll admit college had been too boring for words the past month that this anomaly seemed a godsend.

"Try and see."

He smirked at the challenge. "Nah, I will keep friendship in the back pocket for now."

Which begged the question—

"What's in the fron—"

"Kane, Charlene," our names boomed aloud in the sudden silence, "if you both have something important to discuss, there's the door. You can discuss it out of my class."

While I sank deeper down into my seat at the ignominy of the situation, Kane sprang right up, making a deliberate show of hauling up his bag.

"Let's go, Charlene. We're clearly disturbing the class."

My cheeks flushed at the double-take some of the nosy students did. Needless to say, Kane being the class loner didn't track with this invite very well. "C'mon." He pressed, as if we were long-acquainted friends. Not even barely I'd say.

"I am not—" I hissed through my teeth.

"Let me make the decision easier for you, Miss J. Get. Out. Of my class."

My lips pursed, I stomped through the corridor, the leisurely steps following me not improving my mood at all.

"Ugh! That's the first time I've been kicked out of a class. No thanks to you."

The bloke had the audacity to frown at me. "Hey, I thought we agreed it's he who is the ass of the situation. Not me."

I paused abruptly to poke the air under his nose. "It's because of you I got kicked out. He hates you. He doesn't hate me."

My hand was swatted away like an insignificant fly. "You noticed that, did you?"

"Oh, please, the entire student body has noticed that." I huffed and continued on my merry way with some more incoherent grumbling underneath my breath, which, unfortunately, wasn't enough to repel the company.

Disregarding my dark mood, Kane asked cheerily, "Where are we going?"

We? I rolled my eyes. "Don't know."

"Well, if we're going out, let's go to the park. Not the parking."

"I was thinking of hanging out in my car. In the cool."

"Oh, the thick shade is plenty cool for that, trust me." He tipped his head in the direction of the woods. I raised a sceptical brow.

"Trust you? After you put me on the spot in front of everyone?"

"If that's putting someone on the spot, then I would be interested to know your feelings on public proposals."

"Hate them." Obviously.

He chuckled, and at my side-eye commented with a shrug, "Girls normally like attention." With that insult he started towards his preferred park with nary a word, and because I wasn't done with my piece, I naturally tagged along without a second thought to the parking.

"Nah, it's boys who like attention, hence the ones who orchestrate such elaborate schemes."

"Or we're just trying to ensure a yes." He winked.

"By pressurising us? Cute."

"Hey, everything's fair in love, right?"

"Nah, not everything. Not by a long shot."

"Well, what is not fair?"

"I couldn't say off the top of my head." I shrugged. "Though I do know not every saying's tried and true. Not in every situation, and certainly not that one."

A thoughtful look came onto his face. "Hmm. Probably not." 


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