Girls magic portal

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Y/n=your name

F/B=favorite book

F/S=favorite song

{Your POV}
I woke up drenched in cold sweat and my body was aching but like always I brushed it off and left my 'pocket dimension'

As soon as I looked at Ava's alarm clock I saw the time "2:37am' then I saw ava cuddled up with her 'giant stabby pencil' that's what she calls it anyway

It was so early....

Just the time I get up though

I left Ava's room and found all of them Daemos still there I let out a 'Sigh' I had hopes they would just take some things and leave but...

"I guess that's not really their nature" I muttered out

'Ehhh but one thing I do know is Daemos are very light sleepers..' I thought to myself 'they wake up at the slightest sounds'

I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as possible to make my coffee

A couple minutes later I had finished making my coffee and I grabbed like 15 sugar packets from the cabbet

'Can't live without this shit' I thought in my head as a grin appeared on my face "I won't make it 5 more years if I keep this up" I laughed very quietly

I went back into Ava's room and sat on the corner of her bed like always and grabbed my glasses from the night stand

I went back into Ava's room and sat on the corner of her bed like always and grabbed my glasses from the night stand

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{You can pick any of these!}

When I grabbed my glasses I reached under Ava's bed and grabbed my F/B and I started to read

{3rd POV}

"Nooo humans please don't harvest my horns and suck my organs out of me" noi said as he talked in his sleep

Asch started to wake up as soon as the sun rose, he looked around at his knights then got up and stood by the window as if deep in thought

'Euh' asch muttered out before going and grabbing one of Noi's daggers as he went into Ava's room

As soon as Y/n heard the foot steps she walked over to the window and sat on the floor in order for them not to see her hoping it would work

"Asch haven't been acting normal" Leif stated to Pierce

"Yes.." Pierce responded

"Don't you think it's weird how docile we've been since getting here??" Leif followed up his statement from before "normally asch wouldn't have lisened so easily and would have acted long before now? I wonder whats goin' on.."

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