Chapter Three

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Jax hurried down the wharf toward what looked to be a fishing boat with the words Mary's Delight painted on her side. He had no idea who Mary was, but that was fine. As long as she got him out to Aquteg Island while the tide was in was all he cared about. With production just starting, he'd had yet to make a site visit, and the crew was trying to make the most of the nice weather by filming outside as much as possible. Even so, they were already a day or two behind schedule, due to a few unavoidable factors. Like one of the camera crew suddenly quitting and a few mechanical delays. It wasn't anything too out of the ordinary, but it wasn't how he liked projects to begin.

Still, he took a moment to stop and take a deep breath. The cove was calm, with little waves slapping lightly on the wood of the wharf, and the air was crisp and fresh as the sun peeked out from beneath a cloud. Jewell Cove was picturesque, there was no denying it. And all reports from the crew were that it had the hospitality to match. A happy crew made for a better production experience. They'd managed to book rooms at both the local motel and a B&B called Evergreen Inn; some were a little further out, staying in a hotel in nearby Brunswick. While tourism was naturally big business in the town, Jax was equally pleased that the production would contribute to the local economy—in accommodations, catering, transportation, and, once the documentary aired, increased visibility.

"Good mornin'," came the call from the boat, jolting Jax out of his thoughts and back to the task at hand. A man stood at the port side of the boat, a broad smile on his face. "You Brodie?"

"Yessir," Jax answered, stepping forward. "You're Sullivan, right?"

"Rick Sullivan. Come on aboard and we'll get you out to the island."

Jax's footsteps sounded hollow on the dock, but in a matter of moments he found himself on the deck of Mary's Delight. She wasn't a big boat, but big enough for the crew to transport their equipment and get back and forth. "Good morning," he said as he faced Sullivan. "Appreciate you making the extra trip today, Mr. Sullivan."

"Call me Rick," the man answered, grinning from beneath his ball cap. "And I'm happy to. Let me get the ropes and we'll get on our way."

As Rick turned to prepare to cast off, Jax realized that the man had a prosthetic. Despite it, he deftly dealt with the ropes and started toward the wheelhouse. "You wanna come in? Or stay out on deck?" Clearly the disability had no effect on Rick's competence in piloting the boat. He moved about, completely comfortable and confident.

"Out here, I think. At least for a bit." Jax didn't want to be antisocial, but it was a gorgeous morning and he found himself remembering how Summer had mentioned liking the feel of the ocean breeze in her hair. She was due to start her job in a few days, but he'd been thinking about her far too much in the days since her interview and that troubled him. Particularly since she was going to be in the house with him much of the time... just the two of them.

"Don't blame you," Rick said. "If it gets too blustery on the open water, come on in."

And with that, Rick disappeared and the engines chugged to life, the deck vibrating beneath Jax's feet.

The slow trip to exit the cove was breathtaking. Jax stood near the stern and got a good look at the town from the water. Cheerful buildings in bright colors rose from the harbor, the streets like steps leading up a hill. Wild roses bloomed along the shore, and birds swooped and dived, looking for breakfast. The air was crisp and cool off the water, and it seemed as if he could feel his blood pressure drop ten points just by stopping to breathe and enjoy the view. When the colors of the buildings blurred together, he moved to the bow, letting the brisk sea air blow his troubles away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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