What It Truly Means To Be A Monster: Part 1

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There once was a little blond boy who lived down by the river. He went to the nicest school in town. He always had the best clothes. The best school supplies. And the best toys. Everyone thought that he was happy. At least he always acted happy.

Back at home he didn't exactly have the best parents. As soon as he was born they threw him to the babysitter and barely paid any attention to him. So even though he had everything he could need and want he didn't exactly have the one thing he truly desired. His parents love.

He did everything he could to impress them. He was always at the top of his class. He was the best athlete in school and he always listened. But one day he made a mistake.

He was playing tag with the other kids and he accidentally tagged another kid too hard. The kid he tagged fell to the floor and started crying. The little blond boy tried to help him. He truly did. But the other kid just kept crying and screaming. Once the teachers heard the commotion they immediately ran towards the boy on the floor and tried to help him. The boy who was crying and screaming on the floor told the teachers that the blond boy pushed him and was being mean.

The teachers got mad at the blond boy and sent him to the principal's office. As the blond boy was walking away he turned around to see that the kid he accidentally pushed was smirking at him.

Once he made it to the principal's office it turned out that the principal had called his parents. "I am very disappointed in you son," his mother had told him. "When we get home we are gonna have a talk about this," his father had said. It was then that the boy realized that this was the only way he was ever going to get his parents attention. They only seemed to see his mistakes after all.

Once he got home his parents immediately left to go back to work. He got a serious talk about bullying from his babysitter. It seemed that his parents couldn't even do as little as scolding their child. For the next couple of weeks the boy he had pushed kept trying to frame him for bullying him. And every time the teachers had believed him.

It went on like this for a couple of years until the blond boy reached high school. It was then that he decided that even when he kept trying that if everyone was going to see him as a monster he might as well become one. So that day he began to bully the boy that ruined his life every day for the last 7 years.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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