The Start (or continuation??)

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Sadly, all things come to an end--like Lyssa and Dressing's beautiful relationship.

BUT WAIT!!! What's this??? A NEW COUPLE??? 

This new couple is none other than...*GASP* MARI AND ICY???

Lots of people were shocked by the discovery of this new couple, but some already knew!!!

Anytime Icy was brought up and spoken about to Mari, she would be so flustered and could not stop smiling!!!!

Thankfully, it's not one-sided as Icy smiles uncontrollably when Mari is mentioned as well!!

As Lyssa and Sall watch this, they are always smirking at Mari because their assumptions of Icy and Mari's love for each other are getting closer to being proven 100% real.

Although Mari and Icy deny their love for each other constantly, tons of people still ship them and identify them as a couple.

So here's to the start of a new relationship!!!! Along with a new story!!!!


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