Insane Expression of Love

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For some random reason 270 kids were packed into the gym!!!
This means something VERY interesting will happen, and it sure did.
Mari, Lyssa, Dressing, Icy, Dwarf, and Sall were sitting together, but Mari and Icy didn't know what was coming for them.
Lyssa, Dressing, Dwarf, and Sall were all plotting an amazing plan to get Icy and Mari to be close to each other.
But Mari started moving closer to Icy all on her own!!!!
Although Icy is always emo and shows no emotion, Lyssa, Dressing, Dwarf, and Sall all knew he secretly loved the fact Mari was approaching him.
Sid the science kid teleports into the area where everyone was sitting with a cool new chemical potion he made!!!
Because it was so crowded, Lyssa and Sall moved up a row to get some space.
But little did they know, Mari and Icy were being extremely lovey dovey right behind their backs!!!
Mari and Icy started holding hands and playing around with each other.
Dressing and Sid the science kid started frantically getting the attention of Lyssa and Sall to show them this awesome interaction between the lovely couple-to-be.
That's when Sall notices that Mari and Icy have..*gasp* MATCHING BRACELETS????
Mari starts smiling even MORE uncontrollably, especially because she's with Icy.
Icy is also secretly smiling and blushing underneath his emotionless, depressing mask.
Mari and Icy spend the rest of the time in the gym very close to each other and always touching each other.
They just can't get enough of each other!!!
What a match made in heaven!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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