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My name is Kia. I'm an Korean-American. 17 years old and loves to study heads out. Ill introduce my life along with the story.

*morning 5:12 am*

"Ahh!!! Oh! Woke early today " - Me

I went inside the washroom and brushed slowly humming random tunes to myself. I bathed in warm water and came out as a fresh bird. I slowly walked myself down the stairs. When my brother got job in America, my parents moved there for 5 years. I live here, in Seol alone. I do job as a assistance in a pastry shop. During the past weeks I always gets a strange feeling that someone is always watching me on my every steps. Although I feel it every time I ignore it almost every time cause my mom said that insecurities while living alone is normal.

I walked through the kitchen trying to finding a decent breakfast when I looked at the time.

7:34 am.......

"Wait......WHAT?!!!  HOW??! " - I shout at myself.

I ran back to my room and found my clock was actually dead long time ago itself. Wow!  Now that's something I call 'idiotic'. I ran to the cupboard and found a fresh uniform. My uniform is a red thigh level skirt with a full leg covering black net stockings with small black heels. White half sleeve shirt and a red coat with our schools emblem.

I ran out with my books on my hand and speeded up to my school on my bicycle. I reached the school and saw that the classes already started. If I go through the gates,  the watchman will surely report me to the principal's office. So I sneaked through the backside and got inside the school building. While I was walking through the big corridors I felt a shadow move behind me . I ignored at first but it continued. I ran as fast as I could and hid behind a locker to look at the one following me.

Black hair ..... flaming orange eyes...... reddest and hungriest lips..... Perfect skin..... who was he?....... I kept looking at him when suddenly the vase behind the locker fell down to the floor with a crash. He ran back with an unimaginable speed. I stood there not moving until I realized the bell was going to ring for our next classes. I thought of just sneaking around here till the bell rings. Actually it's my first ever time to bunk classes , so I was pretty nervous and sat on a bench in a dark corner looking constantly to my left and right until suddenly I felt a big hand touching my shoulders.

I silently screamed and tried to stand up to face the person but I tripped over. I fell hitting my hips on the floor. I looked at that person and found it was one of my friend.

"Ugh.... Kris ? Why did you scare me like that ? " - Me

"Mianhae... i didnt know you were sitting here so scared haha " - Said kris raising his both hands showing he dint meant to touch me like that.

"Yea... its okay . Im scared cause its just my first time sitting around the corridoors when the classes are going on. " - Me.

"Ohhh~~~ Miss. GoodyGirl bunked classes like me . How suprising !!! " - Kris said teasing me .

"Why do you come to school when you miss almost half of the classes ? " - I said getting up and dusting my dress.

"Its one of the fun things of being me. " - He said putting his hands over shoulders and guiding me to walk with him.

"Mhmm... that doesnt have any logic " - Me

"How would a 'nerd' understand this ? " - Kris.

"Alright, alright ... i give up " - Me

Kris was my friend when i newly joined this school at the age of 15. He was the cold guy A.K.A the mysterious guy here. Many girls still fall for him and fangirls him through the corridors and many of them hated me cause i was his only friend who was a girl. It all started when he accidently spill water on my maths note.

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