⚠ info!⚠

196 6 30

Here's all the states ages, gender and nickname.

Alabama, F 15 Bama

Alaska M 10 spy (Cuz once was russian)

Arizona F 12 Ari

Arkansas M 12

South California F 16 Cali, (I have south and north California separately personified because other wise California is literally just a living identity crisis)
North California: M 16, Cal

Colorado M 13 rado

Connecticut M 17

Delaware M 18

District of Colombia F 19

Florida F 15 (1/2 cuz i cant decide) Flo

Georgia F 16 peach

Hawaii F 8 Dolphin

Idaho M 12 potatoe

Illinois M 14  Noi

Indiana F 14 Indy

Iowa M 12

Kansas F 12 Sunflower

Kentucky M 13 KFC

Louisiana F 14 Louis

Maine F 16 Treee

Maryland F 17 Mary

Massachusetts M 18

Michigan F 13

Minnesota F 13 Minni

Mississippi F 16 Miss

Missouri M 15

Montana F 14 Tana

Nebraska M 12 Braska

Nevada M 13 Vada

New Hampshire F 16 Ham

New Jersey M 17 Asshole

New Mexico  M 11 Mexico

New York F 16 York

This is so frikin boring so imma skip it for now basically original 13 and whatever new England States thart aren't original= 15-19 northeast= 11=14 South that isn't original 14-16

This is so frikin boring so imma skip it for now basically original 13 and whatever new England States thart aren't original= 15-19 northeast= 11=14 South that isn't original 14-16

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
55 kids and... America!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ