The despised trainee 2

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Jong-Su had been staring at the pillow and blankets hidden creatively under the couch for quite some time now. Whoever had put them there had been determined to keep the objects from being found and there was only one person Jong-Su could think of who would do that. He had been completely heartbroken when Junho left. The kid was still always present at schedules and practices but Junho stayed to himself besides that. It had been a week and Jong-Su had enough. He got up, going to find his only older member and talk some sense into Min-Jun. However, Jong-Su was distracted on the way.

"I can't believe how easy that was" The younger members were still talking about it. That was all they had talked about for the past week. Jong-Su could catch a few words here and there but if it was the foreign line, they spoke in their native language and Jong-Su could not understand but maybe one or two words. The door was open and Jong-Su could see Moon-Sik, Yeong So, and Jeong Hyun sitting on Moon-Sik's bed. Hyun Ki was sitting on his bed with Jing, and Yori was in the desk chair off to the side, spinning around a few times before stopping and tuning back into the conversation.

"I know. I'm glad he's gone. Who knows what would have happened had he stayed any longer?" Yori nodded. Jong-Su felt sick hearing those words from his gentle dongsaeng. Yori had a sassy side to him but he was always kind. Most of them were.

"I am disgusted at you boys" Jong-Su leaned against the doorpost; his arms crossed. Yori put his feet down, stopping the chair from spinning anymore. His body was tense now, as was the others. Moon-Sik's mouth fell open and he couldn't take his eyes off Jong-Su, hating the disappointment and anger in his hyung's eyes. Hyun Ki hung his head, shame ripping through him like a sword. He was the leader; he was supposed to do better than this. Jeong Hyun started playing with his hands and Yeong So looked close to tears. Jing was frozen in place, not looking at anyone but instead at the floor like it was the secret to getting out of this. Jong-Su turned and left, letting the door close behind him. He already had his phone out when the door flew open again and all six boys came running after him, being released from their shock.

"Wait hyung!" Jing pleaded, grabbing Jong-Su's arm. He was pushed off.

"All of you, on the floor now!" Jong-Su ordered. No one moved, still consumed by guilt and wariness.

"Get down! NOW!" Jong-Su had never been this angry before and he was aware of that. Min-Jun was the one who yelled at the kids. Jong-Su was the one who spoke gently, conveying his disappointment through soft words and then turning the kids over to Min-Jun when he needed to. All the boys dropped to their knees, scared by their hyung's anger. Jong-Su walked out of the dorm. Min-Jun was walking out of the elevator but as soon as he saw Jong-Su and how angry he was, Min-Jun turned back. He had enough going on without dealing with more angry tension.

"Choi Min-Jun!" Jong-Su did not need to go after him. Jong-Su knew that his friend would stop and that was exactly what happened.

"I'm tired Jong-Su. Can you just leave me alone? It's been a long day" Min-Jun pleaded.

"It's been a long week and it's about to get a lot longer once you talk to our dongsaengs. Come inside" Jong-Su ordered. He was trying to phrase it as a question but it was clear that he was not giving Min-Jun the choice to decline.

"What is this about?" Min-Jun was clearly exhausted and Jong-Su felt just a little bad for putting this on him. He went behind the couch to grab the pillow and blanket that Junho had left behind.

"It seems that Junho was not lying when he said he had been sleeping on the couch. What I want to know is why? And I would also like to be informed as to what kind of a conversation you all were having when I walked upstairs earlier? Perhaps you'd like to tell your hyung what that was all about or should I?" Jong-Su waited. Min-Jun was just as curious to hear what had Jong-Su of all people so worked up.

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