Author introduction

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Name: I go as Moonlit or Sunflower.
Age: My age is private to anyone who isn't my friends.
Birthday: 9/2/200*
Pronouns: I go by She/Her.
Sexuality: I am straight, but I support any and all Sexuality's!
Location: Of course I won't be putting my full address here but I live in the UK.
Language(s): I speak 8 languages, including English (of course), German, Norwegian, French, Spanish, Korean, and some Japanese and I am studying Chinese at the moment!
Interests: Of course I love studying and learning new languages, but I'm really interested in travelling the world (once i get the money). TvT
Fun fact(s): I have read all fnaf books (unless there are new ones), I have also played all the games.

And I just wanted to explain why I wanted to write this book (idk what to call it TvT).

I tried reading other people's "Zodiac Fnaf" stuff, but they don't feel right to me, like yes of course some of them did but most of them just felt off, so here I am at 4:13am writing this for you lovely's.

Now please! Don't let me distract you any longer! go have fun my lovely's <3

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