October 9th 2023

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          My head hurts.. really badly. I don't know why, maybe because I have to sleep on the floor? Yeah that's probably why. (You may be wondering why I have to sleep on the floor.. well it's because my sister is sleeping on the couch and neither me or her are allowed in our room at the moment. So we are sleeping in the living room.) I get up to go get ready for school after the long weekend I just had, I can't text anyone because my parents found my trap phone.
         I get ready for school and wake Theresa up and my little brother, we are all going to the same school but JJ has to ride a short bus, I honestly think that me and Theresa can ride it with him but I never asked. JJ leaves for school and I wake my father so he can drive me and Theresa. We get to school and the first person I go and see was my bf because I couldn't text him all weekend.
          I run into my bsf Hailey and she joins me on the way because no one was talking to her. I find my bf and I chill with him and Hailey till the bells abt to ring, I walk off with Hailey to her first period class with my bf and say goodbye to her for now, me and my bf walk to class and say goodbye. History class. Abby is in there she's one of my old friends from middle school. I sit next to her and talk to her the entire period, I told her she's never gonna see me again because I'm running away. And she gets sad and hugs me.
       "I hope you find a way to contact me." She says in a sweet tone.
       "I will!" I say back. I'm gonna miss everyone once I'm gone but it's for the best. Second period is starting now, I walk to class with my bf because we go the same way. I haven't told him that I'm leaving. I don't want to.
       "Emo." Says a male voice. "Dante..." I mutter under my breath. I have to sit in the middle of two boys who hate me for no reason. "You died your hair?" The other boy says. "Yes. I did. Is that a problem?" I say back. He looks away from me. That boy is mason. I think he likes me because hes rude for no reason. Dante is a different story. "The red looks nice!" Says a girl. "Thank you leyhie!" I spit out. She's the only other person in class that still talks to me.
       I put my head down and sleep for the rest of the period because today is gonna be stressful. The bell rings for 3rd period and I walk out of the class waiting for my bf. He's walking with a very short kid who looks like he's supposed to be in 3rd grade. It's break rn so I don't have to go to class just yet. My hearts heavy knowing I'm going to have to tell my bf that I'm leaving and I don't know if I'll see him again. It hurts to think about it. I don't want to but it's for the best. My sister doesn't even know what I'm doing. I'm planning this all for me but I'll bring her along. "HI GABIE!" A high pitched voice says. Oh great.. it's Julie.. "Hi..." I mutter. I go to find Hailey and tell her that I'm leaving before school ends. I explained everything that I was going to do and she understood why I was leaving.
       "Have you told Robert yet?" She asked. Oh fuck... "No.. not yet.." I say almost crying. "He's your boyfriend so your gonna have to, you can't js leave without saying anything." Hailey said. I understand where she's coming from. But I'm scared to. "I'll tell him before I leave." I mutter. I go meet with all my other friends and tell them what's going on, all of them are happy for me that I'm leaving but are sad and don't want me to go but they understand why I have to. Yet again all of them ask if I've told my boyfriend yet. Not yet... I don't want to. I get a hold of my cousin Robin who tells her mom what I'm planning to do, the next thing I know everyone but my dad knows what I'm doing. I figure out a plan and wait to see what happens.
                               Time skip!!
       "I need to talk to you." I say to my bf almost crying. "What's wrong? You look upset." He asks. "I'm leaving. Running away. And I wanted you to know." I say crying. He can't even look and me right now. I feel so terrible.. my throat is swelling up and I can't speak. "Your not actually leaving are you?" He asked. It sounds like he's crying.. "I.." that's the only sound I can manage. A few minutes go by with me holding on to him, I can hear is heart beating really fast, he's also breathing slowly. He's crying.. "I'm so sorry, I love you so much and I'll find a way to get a hold of you." I say. Nothing in response. I don't want to leave.. but it's for the best.. "Will I be able to see you again..?" He finally said something. "Of course! I'll find a way to see you!" I say fast.
       I call my aunt and ask if Nana Gail is coming to get me and Theresa. Shes almost here.. I run to my friends classes and tell them what's going on and they all look sad. I'm so sorry.. I go get Theresa and we wait for my Nana Gail to show up. "She's here.." I say. I can see her bright orange-red car pull up and I run to it. "CMON THERESA!" I scream. I throw my stuff into her care and we speed off. I did it.. holy crap. I did it.. I gave my bf a huge hug before I left and I kissed him saying goodbye.
       I'm bawling my eyes out and my nana, aunt, and Subreena are on the phone. Everyone is crying so happy that we got out. I'm happy.. We drive all the way to chico and go shopping. Then we drive up to subreenas house. And we stay there for the night.. All is good in the world. I'm glad I'm out of there..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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