13- Bad nights

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                                                                         TW: Mention of violence,                                                                                                                                                homicide and Sexual Assault.   


His eyes looked so lifeless. 


No-- No. He was okay. Alive. He had to be. 

Bloodied. All fucking bloodied. That he was. 

My temples throbbed and I was caught in a daze, watching the nightmare unfold. Paralyzed. My screams were stuck in my throat, tears burning behind my eyes-- wide, terror-filled eyes. My chest ached due to lack of oxygen. 

I don't want to lose you. Please.

The masked man was atop of him, straddling as incessantly smashed the baseball bat against Vinny's face. My brother's face hitting the concrete with a sick crack every time. Every. Single. Damn. Time. The masked man's eyes were glinting with a psychotic rage. Dark eyes. Ugly dark eyes.

I wanted to claw them out. 

The appalling smell of gasoline filled my nostrils. The continuous beep of the seat-belt sensor ringing my ears, the soft gray smoke masking the unlit night sky. Pressing one scraped hand against the concrete, I groaned through pain, getting up on trembling legs. Yet not a single tear escaped. 

"P-please, let him go," I croaked out, stumbling towards them. The masked man's head whipped towards him, despite the fabric covering half of his face, I could practically see the sickening grin of his. My eyes dart towards my unmoving brother. No. no. Please, No. 

Stay with me. 

Please, Vinny. 

The man dragged his baseball bat across Vinny's Bloodied face. My brother's eyes were flickering, closed, yet open. He was there. Yes. He was there. "Next is your turn, little girl," He tutted, voice raspy and so fucking ugly. 

I wanted to rip his voice cords out. 

I heard him. But I kept walking-- limping towards Vinny. I think my leg was hit badly too. But I didn't care enough. I watched as the man stood up, his tall and large frame shadowing over Vinny's wounded ones as he stepped back. 

I wanted to mutilate his body. Distraught it. Kill him

Dropping on my knees next to Vinny, I cradle his face gently, his pretty blue eyes flickering with last breaths. "Stay with me, Vinny. please, I'm here with you." I whispered to him. 

He didn't reply. How could he? The fucker had left him soulless. I could see the dark fresh wide-open wounds. The knife plunged deep in his stomach. "Vinny, no. Please don't leave me," I cry softly, one single tear escaping my eye. It hurt. It hurt so much. yet I couldn't scream, cry, sob. Why?

Didn't I even have that right? 

One single fucking right to mourn?

"Take me with you," My voice cracks. Hands pressed against his pale and cold face. "Please, I can't do this alone. You are my anchor." 

My vision was blurry, hazy and burning. body trembling uncontrollably, chest aching painfully. I was drowning again. But now he wasn't here to pull me up. "I love you, Wills," My head snaps towards Vinny's croaked and breathy voice. It was barely a whisper. But I heard. 

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