Ben Greens little secret

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Chapter 1

Benjamin Green awakes from his slumber, next to his girlfriend of which he is falling out of love with. Has he regained a new love, perhaps it's someone in the music class he teaches.

"Good Morning class, to start of today we will be revising the musical alphabet, I'm sure my good student Henry over here can show us how it's done" Henry walks to the front of the class and starts writing it down, as he writes the last letter Ben Green leans in and whispers in his ear "meet me in my office after class" a shiver goes down henry's spine as Ben greens warm breath slithers down his ear, he simply nods his head and walks back to his desk.

"OKAY everyone class is nearly over so put down your pencils and hand up the sheets. '' Ben Green announces to the class, he winks at Henry once he is done talking and sits at his desk waiting patiently. He thinks about what he should say, be straightforward, or dodge around what he wants to say, he wouldn't ever want to scare Henry, but he's been wanting talk to to him one on one for a while now, a student who has as much a passion for music as he does is something that's never happened, the excitement is just so much for his big head to handle. Ben Green ended up going to his office while the students filed out of the classroom, just to give himself a bit of time to think and clear his head.

Once the bell has rung and the students file out of the room in a not so orderly fashion, the only one who stays behind is Henry, even though Ben Green had already gone to his office. "Uhm, excuse me sir, you told me to meet you here?" Henry asked, "yes, I've been meaning to speak to you for a while now, I've got very important matters to discuss" Henry anxiously nods his head "have I done something wrong"

"No nothing of the sort, quite the opposite actually, I've been keeping my eye on you, paying extra special attention" says Ben Green in a low sultry voice "I want you to come closer Henry, come closer" Henry carefully steps closer "if you want to start private lessons, just me and you" he pokes his finger onto henry's chest "I'll be happy to do it, just you and me" Ben Green whispers into henry's ear, "th-thank you sir, I would be honored to do private lessons from you, when do they start?" Henry asks with an understanding of the underlying motives, "Tomorrow at 4pm, on the dot, don't be late, or there will be consequences". Henry walks home that night with a lot on his mind, thoughts racing back and forth about what this all means, the private lessons from the man himself, someone who he's wanted to get to know more ever since they met. He's always wanted to explore musical instruments and talk about them with someone who has as much a passion as he does.

The day has started, and Ben Green is feeling good, there is something about the air that is putting him in such a cheery mood. "Hunny, breakfast is ready" yells out his girlfriend, and suddenly his mood is ruined and he is reminded of the fact he has stuck himself in this relationship he doesn't even want anymore, when he as found already found his true love, someone who loves and has as much a passion for music as he does. Once he's finished eating, has a shower and gets ready for the day, he and his girlfriend both have jobs that require getting up at early hours of the morning so they have created a routine that suits them. "I'm leaving bye" he yells out, and starts his way to school already in a cheerful mood again. "Good Morning class, today we will be in the music room for the whole lesson, leave your bags in here, and let's move over now", everyone moves over to the music room and goes to their respected instruments to start practice. After a halfway into the lesson Ben Green calls over Henry into the drum room to talk in private "Hello Henry, I'm glad you could join me in here, i just wanted to double check you're ready for tonight, mentally and physically i mean" Ben Green asks, "Yes, i've been preparing myself just to be suited for your teachings" he replies in a low voice, "good boy Henry, just what i would expect from my favourite student" Ben Green appraises.

Once the bell has rung and the lesson has come to an end, the students leave the classon in their respective groups. "Hey did you guys see how Mr. Green was treating Henry? Its like hes getting special attention" Isabell questions, "Yeah i noticed that to, maybe hes getting extra lessons because he's the teachers pet, knowing all this music shit" replies Lucy "I bet those two are secretly dating, thats why hes getting special treatment" exclaims isabell". Little did they know Ben Green was listening from afar, keeping track of what they know and are figuring out. Henry walks around the school not knowing what to do with himself, excited and nervous about the private lessons, thinking stuff like what instruments are they gonna use, or use them all, will he act different if they're alone, and what happens if he's not good enough for him and the lessons are put to a stop before they have even began. Henry spent so much time thinking that he lost track of time and the end of lunch had already come, it was time to get his head of the subject of Ben Green and focus on his next lessons to come.

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