Prologue (I)

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(I'll add random songs because, I don't know. I just want to.)

Wooosh.. 🍃

The winds blows were quite strong. As if you'll get easily blown away into the lands of nowhere..

' Where am I.. Is this even reality? '

"Reiko-san! Reiko-san! Please come out and play with us now!"

A young girl, extended her arm out to the mysterious figure. Her expression, full of positivity. She wore a grey-ish green kimono. As her hair was short and neatly cut.

' Who even is she. '




Wake up. Wake up..

Wake up. Wake up..


Reiko's eyes snapped open, her heart beating wildly. Wondering what that peculiar dream was about. As she gently rubbed her eyes. Reiko's vision was quite blurred, due to her being near-sighted. She let out a disappointed sigh, while searching for her glasses beside her wooden bedside table.

"Agh, huh.. What are all these dreams about? Can I not have a regular dream, just for once..?"

Reiko grumbled, her fists clenched slightly. As she got ahold of her glasses and put them on. Reiko got out of her bed and walked off to the bathroom.

Reiko took off her glasses for a while to cleanse her face, and put them back when she brushed her teeth. There was a strange figure, lurking in the corner at the back. Reiko notices it and blinks twice. It quickly disappears.

"Huh. Quite strange, is it not.. I could've sworn I saw something.. Oh, well."

Reiko shrugged it off, as she gargled and spit out the mouthwash.


A minute or so has passed, Reiko was busy combing her hair, in front of a mirror. She would usually let it get messy. Because, knowing her. She wouldn't care at all if her hair is in the way.

Reiko tied her hair up in a loosely-worn low-side ponytail. As her bangs were just overall a pure mess.
She puts on a sleeveless teal turtleneck shirt, and over it was a black hoodless jacket. And, some black pants and black training boots. Whilst also placing on her black gloves.

It was a normal day for Reiko. She usually lives alone in her mansion. She doesn't recall owning millions of Yens, but eh. She's quite a privileged woman.

Reiko eems to live a simple life in her mansion. She had two housekeepers who kept her company, though she often locks herself in her room for many weeks or months.

Reiko just felt lost. Sometimes, she may feel like she cannot tell if she was seeing something real or not.


Reiko often sees a strange dark essence, looming over people's backs. Those who are emitting negative emotions. The people couldn't see it, but apparently. Only Reiko and a few individuals can see it.

Reiko sighed, as she continued walking in the busy streets of the city. Her mansion is a tad bit far from the city. She doesn't like loud sounds and irritating chatters, she has sensitive hearing.

Reiko doesn't know what's the cause of it. But, if Reiko encounters hearing loud sounds. Something would trigger her to go into a slight panic attack. Seeing hallucinations of deceased people as Reiko would hear ringing in her ears.

"Make it stop, please. I want all of this.. To stop."

Reiko pleaded, her tone quite desperate. As her covers her ears with her pale yet cold hands. The position she is in, made her look traumatized yet vulnerable.

Reiko ran away from the bustling and crowded streets. As she went to a more secluded area. There, she felt more calm and safe.

Reiko quickly adjusted her glasses, as she continues to move on. Eventually, she arrived at her destination.. A bakery. Her favorites are sweets. From mochi to macaroons to.. Every thing!

She would usually select some danish butter cookies alongside some cookies and cream macaroons. These freshly baked delicacies emitted a mouth-watering aroma.

Reiko's expression didn't change at all, emotionless as ever, as she went back home. She was picked up by her driver, her car was like any ordinary car. A bit more expensive than the others but. Atleast, it wasn't a sports car.

The car passes through many breath-taking sights, it was a good view. Re maintained her expressionless demeanor. As she thought, it would make her seem vulnerable to show any emotions to anyone in particular. Unknown why she was taught like that..




To be continued..

Facts about Takagawa Reiko !

1) Reiko is rather independent. She'd rather do tasks by herself instead of relying on others' help.

2) Reiko is a.. Demi-girl Agender Bisexual!

(Though, she's physically and biologically a female.. She'd rather have an unidentified gender at most times. As stated in her files, in which you'll see later on. There's a reason for it.)

3) Reiko came from a wealthy family before tragedies occured. Yet, somehow she doesn't remember her family nor her wealth.

Information about her:

Full name : Takagawa Reiko (Her surname is swapped with her first name due to American naming)

Gender : 'Female' [Unspecified]

(There's still some secrets about her.)

Age : 23 years old

Date of birth : 10 - 16 - [Unspecified Year]

Height : 5'6 (170 cm, I think)

Weight : 120 lbs (54 kg, I think..)

Skin color : Pale

Hair color : Black

Eye color : Midnight blue (But, a little bit darker and desaturated. I suppose)

That's about it. Good luck.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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