Chapter 1

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Centuries ago the humans, elfs, and the dragons lived peacefully in a world full of magic but there was one man who wanted the power of dragons


You shall die for disrupting the peace

(Nanda flies toward Akuji charging up his fire breath, Nanda shoots his fire breath at Akuji, the fire disappears and shows Akuji wrapped in a forcefield Akuji pulls out a weapon and as Nanda flies over Akuji throws the weapon killing the dragon)

After killing the dragon king Nanda, Akuji went on to kill most of the dragons leaving very few still in existence, Akuji was finally defeated when the elfs drove the humans out splitting the country in half, 300 hundred years later, a boy born with no magic will he be able to bring peace to the two countries

(Kaida's Mom)
Kaida wake up you gotta get going


(Kaida rolls out of bed and gets dressed then walks downstairs)

Bye mom see you tonight

(Kaida walks through town headed to the outskirts)

Morning Kaida


(Kaida buys a snack and continues)

(Kaida's voice)
A week ago my grandfather passed away and i'm in charge of cleaning out his tower, my grandfather was a mage the strongest in the village, I always idolized my grandfather but sadly I don't have any magic the best I can do is wield a small weapon but in a world full of magic i'm useless

(Kaida arrives at the tower, Kaida walks into the tower and sighs)

Well time to get started

(Kaida starts boxing things up)

Hey I know this book it's the one that has all our family pictures

(Kaida flips through the book and gets to the final page)

What's this

(Kaida grabs a loose photo and flips it over, Kaida put the picture back and closes the book before putting it in a box then he continues, later that evening)

There that's enough for today time to head home

(Kaida walks home and lays in bed)

Why did my grandfather have a picture of him

(Kaida rolls over and attempts to sleep, the next morning Kaida returned to the tower)

Ugh I barely got any sleep last night

(Kaida continues to pack things from his grandfather's tower)

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