Chaoter 25: Rage

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As Az wanders through the desolate streets of Eldoria, a sinking feeling gnaws at their gut. Suddenly, they stumble upon two lifeless figures sprawled on the ground. With a heavy heart, Az rushes to their side, recognizing the fallen forms of Silly and Grimtusk.

Their bodies lie still, surrounded by the remnants of battle. Silly's once vibrant aura has faded, replaced by a pallid stillness. Grimtusk's imposing stature is now eerily motionless, his noble spirit extinguished.

Az's mind reels with disbelief and grief as they kneel beside their fallen comrades. Memories of shared adventures flood their thoughts—the laughter, the camaraderie, the moments of triumph and struggle. Now, all that remains are these silent forms, a stark reminder of the cost of their quest.

With trembling hands, Az reaches out to touch Silly's cold cheek, a silent farewell to a friend lost too soon. Beside them, Grimtusk's stoic visage bears the weight of their shared trials and battles.

In the midst of devastation, Az vows to honor their memory, to carry on the fight in their name. But for now, they bow their head in solemn reverence, offering a whispered prayer for the souls of the departed.

With a fierce determination burning in their eyes, Az rises from beside their fallen comrades, a newfound resolve coursing through their veins. Anger coils like a serpent within them, fueling their every step as they march toward the oncoming horde of giants.

The ground trembles beneath Az's feet as they stride forward, their gaze fixed unwaveringly on the approaching battalion. Each footfall echoes with purpose, a steady drumbeat of defiance against the encroaching darkness.

As the giants draw nearer, Az's fury intensifies, a tempest raging within their soul. Memories of lost friends, of shattered dreams, fuel the flames of their wrath, driving them onward with unyielding resolve.

With a primal roar, Az charges into the heart of the enemy, their sword flashing in the dim light. Giants loom before them like towering monoliths, but Az does not falter. With each swing of their blade, they carve a path through the ranks of their foes, their movements a whirlwind of righteous fury.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Az fights with a ferocity born of loss and longing. They are a force of nature unleashed, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

As the dust settles and the echoes of battle fade, Az stands amidst the carnage, bloodied but unbowed. Though the cost has been great, their spirit remains unbroken, a testament to the indomitable will of those who fight for what they believe in.

As more giants emerge from the shadows, Az's fury knows no bounds. With each swing of their sword, they unleash a torrent of pent-up rage, striking with relentless ferocity.

The giants, caught off guard by Az's sudden onslaught, find themselves overpowered and outmatched. Az moves with a primal intensity, their strikes landing with bone-crushing force.

With each giant that falls, Az's anger only seems to grow, fueling their relentless assault. They show no mercy, no hesitation, only a single-minded determination to protect Eldoria at any cost.

As the battle rages on, Az becomes a whirlwind of destruction, their movements swift and precise as they carve through their towering adversaries. The ground trembles beneath their feet, echoing the thunderous clash of steel against flesh.

Driven by an unyielding resolve, Az fights on, their will unbreakable, their spirit indomitable. They know that the fate of Eldoria hangs in the balance, and they will not rest until every last giant lies vanquished at their feet.

With a swift motion, Az hurls their sword through the air, the blade finding its mark and impaling a giant with unerring accuracy. As the creature staggers back, Az raises their flute to their lips and begins to play a haunting melody.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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