Party outfit (part 1)

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Soooooo let me explain
Let me give you a little bit of context

There was some drama over on insta because someone had made an account just to call out "problematic" TPN artist (none of these artist are problematic btw the person was just too dramatic for nothing)
(Problematic in like they draw more "adult" stuff? Idk how to explain but hope you see what I mean😅)
Oh! And not only artist, but also writers (like they made a post to call out one of the best Noremma fic writer like wtf?!)

Anyway, I made this first drawing to see if I could trigger them XD
(I have no clue if it worked or not lmao)

So here you go :)

So here you go :)

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Btw, this has to be like one of my favorite drawing of mine that I made in 2023!(Yes there's two version XD)(Technically, there's more than two versions but the other two are just the same without the blur and all)

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Btw, this has to be like one of my favorite drawing of mine that I made in 2023!
(Yes there's two version XD)
(Technically, there's more than two versions but the other two are just the same without the blur and all)

I also did that because I really wanted to draw cheetah Emma in a suit :D

(Oh and for those reading the fic, this is the outfits they'll wear in chapter 26👀 not necessarily as revealing but you see what I mean XD)

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