Chapter 2

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Prince Harry's POV

We all applauded as the pair kissed for the first time as a married couple. I was truly happy for my friend. But I felt like something was missing, but what? I shook off the feeling and stood up with Jasper to go to the reception. As I was walking out of the church, I saw a beautiful girl in the corner of my eyes. It was the girl that I saw before the ceremony, sitting with her friends. She had long blonde curls that flowed down to the middle of her back.She wore a teal colored dress that hugged her body,flowed out slightly at her waist and stopped at just above her knees. Her legs seemed to go on for miles. I just stood there, gawking at her, when Jasper clamped his hand down on my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. '

"Ready to head to the reception?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, mate." I turned back around and the girl was gone. I sighed and figured that I will see her at the reception.

The reception was beautiful. Twinkling lights hung around the ceiling like stars and there were red and white roses were in centerpieces on every table. The dance floor was in the middle of the room with the tables surrounding it.

I sat down with Jasper, him rating girls on a scale of 1-10. I rolled my eyes at him. Sure, I was seen as a player but I wasn't. I was just trying to find the right girl. I,definitely,didn't rate girls, like Jasper does. That seems objectifying towards women. I mean, I am a gentleman. I am a prince for Christ's sake!

The couple began to have their first dance. I watched the way that Luke looked at his bride. There was so much love there that it was sweet and sickening at the same time.

I looked around the crowd and saw the girl from earlier. She was seated with an auburn haired girl and a dark haired guy at a table. The blonde, threw her head back, laughing at the redhead and pushed her playfully. Jasper followed my gaze and whistled approvingly.

"Ooh. Nice one, mate. She's a beauty." He said, approvingly.

"Who's a beauty?" A voice asked and there stood Luke, obviously finished with his dance.

"Her." I said, looking at her. He followed my gaze and asked, "which one?"

"The blonde."

"Oh. That's Claire Reynolds. One of Elena's best friends. The red head is their other best friend, Danielle Tracey. The guy is Mason Reynolds, Claire's brother." Luke informed me. I nodded. Claire's brother brought Danielle over to dance, leaving Claire alone.

"Now's your chance. Go talk to her, mate." Jasper encouraged.

"You sure?"

"Positive. Go for it." Luke told me and I got up and made my way towards her. I took a seat next to her and took a deep breath. I have never been this nervous when it comes to women.

'Hello." I said and she turned to look at me. Her striking emerald eyes widened when she realized who I was. "I'm Harry." I introduced myself, even though it was obvious I didn't need too.

"um...Hi. I'm Claire." She said, smiling at me. She stuck her dainty hand out for me to shake and I did. Damn, her hands were soft.

"Well, Claire, I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?" I asked her. She grinned.

"um... I would love a drink." She said and I led her over to the bar. I glanced over and Luke and Jasper. They both gave me a thumbs up and I smiled.

Why do I have a feeling that its going to be a night to remember?

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